One Amazing Summer: #B90Days Start Is Here!

Anyone but me excited??  Today since we’re just starting, there is not much summarizing to do about what we read but I wanted to share how I’ll be keeping track of what stands out to me when I read.   Because each day covers so much, I know I won’t be able to remember everything I read but I want to keep a record of what stands out to me the most from each day’s portions of Scripture.  I’ve created a little Word file (available as a pdf for you if you want to print it out and use it too) which will help me keep track of those ideas or verses I don’t want to forget.  Plus, I think this will be a great way to map out my weekly check-in posts as well.

Here’s a view of what I’ve written so far today.  (Remember, I’m spreading out my readings into three sections per day.  I have calendars completed through July with each day’s passages divided into those three sections if you want to download them.)

Bible in 90 Days notes on Day 1

I had already decided that I wanted to look for specific words as I read through the Bible this summer and one of those words is light.  I’m interested to see in what contexts and parts of Scripture “light” is a theme.

If you want to link up a post about getting started or one you’ve written about joining this group, please feel free to do so.  And of course, leave a comment and let me know if you’ve already read or when you are planning to read today.

Anyone else have any words they are “tracking” as they read the Bible in 90 Days?


Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. I’m watching for blessings and curses – both by God and by other people. There are ALREADY do many mentions of this.

  2. Love this idea! I am highlighting in my Kindle reader, and going back to see the common thread each day.

  3. Thank you for these printables…they’re wonderful! I love the idea of splitting my reading into three parts, not sure if it will work for me, since my quiet time is on mornings, but I’m willing to give it a try.

  4. Thank you so much for organizing this and for the encouragement. I started today! I am so looking forward to seeing how God is going to use this in my life.
    Happy Memorial Day to all.

  5. Thank you for posting the schedules to print out…very helpful to stay on track! May the reading of God’s Word refresh each one of us and encourage us in our walk with HIM!

  6. Got mine read this afternoon. Still pondering a few things and can’t wait to get to tomorrow’s reading.

  7. I read this morning. It was just what I needed. I’m even thinking of getting a jump start on tomorrow’s reading tonight before I turn in. 🙂

  8. Finished….gained NEW perspective about the Garden, Adam, and Eve — so excited about experiences what God is up to through this. Thank YOU Teri for walking in obedience and pulling this group together…what a blessing!! =)

    Keeping it Personal,
    Teri Johnson
    Teri Johnson recently posted…FreedomMy Profile

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