I’m live at Allume!! We’re doing Five Minute Friday live …
Five minutes.
Tonight my daughter sang with her show choir.
I missed it.
The first time I’ve ever missed a performance she’s been a part of.
I know she was fine.
But I’m not so sure I am. I know I would not have heard her voice among the other 100 voices on stage. But, the simple thing is, I wasn’t there to try.
She’s fine. I know she is.
She’s ever so much more confident and self-assured than I was at her age. {Who am I kidding, she’s more confident and self-assured than I am now, most days!}
I just keep thinking that the days of her voice ringing out in our home are winding down. The days of middle school show choir programs will soon end … and I know there will be other ways and times to hear her voice. But I just don’t want to miss any of them.
So, as glad as I am to be sitting here in this room with writing friends … the truth is, in this moment, I’d rather be listening to my girl.
Because her voice is music to my heart.
Joining the inspiring writers of the Five Minute Friday community, founded and led by the beautiful and hilarious Lisa-Jo Baker, our beloved Gypsy Mama. Each Friday, Lisa-Jo offers us a prompt and we write … for five minutes without editing or worrying if we’re good enough, funny enough, spiritual enough, or anything else enough. We just write. It’s wonderful! You can join the fun!
Love this!!! Wish I was there with you!
Teri Lynne, this is so beautiful! I think you should get up and read it! 😀
And as a parent of grown and growing children, I am with you in your wishes. I wish I could go back and hear my sweet children’s voices because they grew up way too fast!
This is so beautiful and tender, Teri. I loved hearing you read it live tonight at Allume. What a blessing to hear your mother’s heart sing. Thank you.
Jennifer recently posted…Voice
Thank you for sharing your time with us – for having to miss your daughter’s recital, your heart for your family shines loudly through! I was there in the room, watching and listening as you shared, and I know all of our hearts turned toward our family we left behind. Grateful for this opportunity to connect with so many amazing, encouraging women!
Lauren recently posted…Five Minute Friday – Voice
TOTALLY get this. I hate missing a single concert, meet or game. I love being a part of every minute of their lives, soaking up as much of who they are and what I can learn from them as possible.
Kari Scare recently posted…Sunday Reflections – But for the Warning in My Heart
Oh friend…I know this so well right now. My oldest son is 16 and a songbird like your sweet girl. I have missed a few of his performances and my heart ached with the loss of the moment. But God is so good and provided more. The ones where my son stood in our living room to perform a private concert just for his momma. I know that feeling of how fast these moments are passing while our babies grow and I pray that God reminds me to take in each one as the gift that it is. So love your heart friend. Blessings.
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