Prayers for Girls Calendars

Hi friends!

The May and June calendars are now available!! I know how summer can be challenging so I wanted to make sure you can go ahead and print out the next few calendars before the chaos hits.

We’re praying for our girls to know their identity in Christ this quarter and I’m so excited.  This is the first area I covered in my book because I think it is the foundation of everything else we want for our girls (and for ourselves!).

In April, we’ll pray through Psalm 139. This is one of my favorite passages and I can’t wait to walk with you through it.  Then in May and June, we’ll be walking through several verses in the New Testament that speak to who we are in and what we have in Christ. You’ll love being able to share these nuggets with your daughter.

And you’ll notice the prayers are only from Monday through Friday instead of all seven days. I really believe this change will give you time to reflect on what you’re praying as well as the verses the prayers are based on.  {And, if we’re really honest, it will also give us an opportunity to catch up if we get a little behind.}


If you love the prayer calendars, here are a few more things you will find useful and encouraging:

  1. Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most — This book outlines five key areas of our daughters’ lives where we can pray with purpose and intention.  With 200 Scripture-based prayers, conversation prompts for every age group, and special “just for moms” sections in each chapter, this is the best resource you can get for strengthening your prayers for your daughter (and even for yourself!).
  2. Power Prayers for Our Daughters — This five-day reading plan on YouVersion includes a devotional, Scriptures, prayer, and conversation prompts.
  3. This Mom Prays shop — You’re praying for your girl, why not let the world know! Check out the brand new This Moms Prays shop for shirts, mugs, and more!