{ABIDE Day 5} Encourage Others

And so, here we are ... the end of our five-day journey to ABIDE. I hope you have been encouraged and motivated to start this year with intention and focus on building your relationship with the Lord through these posts. In case you missed any of the previous posts, here they are: Acknowledge Him First Bring Your Burdens to Him Intentionally Slow Down Develop a Rhythm of Gratitude And today, we wrap up with this one ... Encourage Others Seems sort of counterintuitive, doesn't ... [Read More]

{ABIDE Day 4} Develop a Rhythm of Gratitude

Wow, can you believe we are already to day four of the ABIDE series? I have appreciated all your comments so far and am thankful to know these small steps are resonating with your hearts like they are mine.  If you've missed any of the previous posts, here they are: Acknowledge Him First Bring Your Burdens to Him Intentionally Slow Down I'm excited to share today's step because this is one you can definitely begin acting on RIGHT NOW. We live in a complaining world. If you ... [Read More]

{ABIDE Day 3} 10 Ways to Intentionally Slow Down

Well, y'all, we've made it to the third day of ABIDE.  So far we've looked at two steps for learning what it is to abide in Christ. Acknowledge Him First Bring Burdens to Him We've covered how important it is to commit to daily time in the Word and 3 truths we need in order to lay our burdens down with the Lord.  Today's step is going to be hard for all us busy people. In fact, you are probably going to think I'm crazy ... but don't click away just yet. Remember, I've got the crazy calendar ... [Read More]

{ABIDE Day 2} Bring Burdens to Him

Welcome to day two of ABIDE, a five-step plan to start the new year intentionally. Yesterday, I shared the most important step we must take if we are serious about learning to abide in Christ: acknowledge Him first.  A daily quiet time is vital to our spiritual growth and, honestly, there is no way to mature in our faith outside of a commitment to time in the Word every day. But, here's the thing ... even when we are faithful to read the Bible every day, even when we are praying and ... [Read More]

{ABIDE Day 1} Acknowledge Him First

Happy New Year! While I can't really believe it is 2016, I'm excited about what the coming year will bring. And it all starts with this, my first series of 2016 ... If you're like me, you have already failed in your resolution to eat better and hit the gym in 2016. {I really am going to start next week! Honest!} It's so easy to find ourselves discouraged when our dreams for the new year collide with our reality. And, so, it's possible that you are reading this on the first Monday of 2016 ... [Read More]

16 Verses to Guide 2016

Each of us will allow something to guide our plans to influence our calendars, and to shape our priorities in the coming year.  If we aren't careful, though, that something may not be the best guide. A few weeks ago I shared some of my desires for 2016 ... and as I've prayed and spent time in the Word, I have identified 16 verses to guide 2016. John 15:5-8 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in ... [Read More]