We've entered a whole new era ... I no longer drive my girl to and from school. She has a driver's license and a vehicle. She'll pull that little white SUV into an assigned parking place this morning and when she finishes first day of her junior year, she'll drive herself home. I've been thinking a lot about how I feel about all of this and just her growing up in general. And, while there are moments when I do long for that adorable little girl who loved Polly Pockets and stacks of beaded ... [Read More]
A Prayer for the First Day of School
It's the first day of school, Lord. It's a big day for all of us. Students full of questions and doubts and excitement. Teachers full of ideas and plans and dreams. Mommas full of all the emotions. Protect our babies, Lord. Whether it's the first day of kindergarten or middle school, or college, those students are our children. And we want today to be full of good things. Let them make friends and reach out to those who are lonely. Give them attentive minds and caring hearts. Use our babies, ... [Read More]
School Clothes, School Supplies, and Boots for Momma! {Back to School Preparations}
Two weeks from today, my daughter will start her last year of middle school. {Hold me, please.} It's not that I want to go back to the days of diapers and late night feedings. Nor do I wish to return to potty training and the never ending sounds of Barbie princess movies. I really don't even miss spelling lists or working on multiplication tables {probably because we still end up needing to do those}. But somehow knowing that this time next year we'll be staring at her first high school class ... [Read More]