Four years ago I was in the throes of writing a book proposal. Lessons from the Hundred Acre Wood was to be my dazzling entrance into the world of traditional publication. I'd studied the best information available concerning form and content for nonfiction proposals. I'd spent hours writing and rewriting every sentence of my sample chapters to provide representatives from publishing houses a glimpse of my writing prowess. And finally, early one July morning in 2010, I climbed into my car ... [Read More]
My Top Blog Posts of 2013
It was a little bit of crazy around here in 2013 ... I wrote less than I have since I started seriously blogging in 2009. But I did a lot more consulting and coaching and I absolutely love that! It's so much fun to help writers and small businesses develop strategies for social media and learn to use all the amazing tools we have online. And, we have a teenager in the house. Lordy, does that change everything!! I can't believe my girl is nearly 14. But what a joy to watch her grow into an ... [Read More]
31 Ideas for 31 Days series
I *heart* October. What's not to love? Football season is in full swing. {War Eagle!} The temps are finally dropping here in North Alabama. Pumpkins and mums are the decor of choice. And it's my birthday month! But I have another reason to love October as well. The 31 days spectacular hosted by The Nester. A few years ago Nester had an idea to write on one topic every day for the month of October. The next year she asked a few of her blogging buddies to join her. Momentum grew and by ... [Read More]
#MustRead 31 Days Series Next Step Editing
Yesterday I shared a little bit about Sandra. She's pretty amazing and I have no words to express how thankful I am for her friendship. But she's not just a fellow pastor's wife, mom of an autistic child, soon-to-be adoptive mother of a boy from Ethiopia, homeschooling mom to her oldest son, and incredible friend ... she's also a fabulous editor. She has an undergraduate degree in English and taught high school English for several years in addition to going to seminary. Now she has her own ... [Read More]
10 Tips for Introverts at Conferences (Blogging or Otherwise)
I am not sure when I became a conference junkie. But in the past nine months I have attended 4 conferences and will be leaving for my fifth (Type A—can. not. wait!) on Thursday. Oddly, I am most nervous about this one. At each of the others, I've either known a lot of the people attending, had my husband with me, or both. This time, I have met, in person, only two people who will be attending. I know a few others (including one of my roommates, the lovely Sarah aka Mainline Mom) from ... [Read More]
Choose, Don’t Compare or Compete
Never compare your life's journey with anyone else's. Your journey is your journey; not a competition. Unknown Far too often we waste our days comparing and competing. But what would happen if we chose instead? What if we chose prayer instead of Pinterest? Or family instead of Facebook? What if we chose success in our marriages over success in marketing? Or more parenting over more page views? What would happen if for one week we refused to listen to the enemy's scheming? If we stopped ... [Read More]