Celebrating 2014

I've spent the past few days at my parents' house in Missouri and it has been fabulous! We've eaten a ton, shopped a little, and laughed until we cried. In just a couple of hours we'll tell Granny Sue and Papa Terry good-bye and head off for our last getaway of 2014 and I find myself a bit reflective. 2014 has been a great year in so many ways. I loved the opportunity to lead a few sessions at She Speaks this summer. I've made some incredible new friends and accomplished quite a few personal ... [Read More]

What I Wore … and some winter nail care tips

Hey y'all! I'm finally jumping back in with a What I Wore Wednesday post ... it's been crazy around here and I have meant to share more of my outfits but since most nights I'm sitting in a gym wearing a "cheer mom" shirt of some sort, I suppose you haven't missed much. LOL But I have managed to wear colors besides black and gold in the past week so I thought I'd share what I've worn for a few exciting things happening around here. And I'm thrilled to be partnering with JULEP to share some ... [Read More]

For Your Weekend {modest is hottest edition}

I'm all about some cute clothes ... even if I can't take a good selfie for anything. And I'm also all about some cute and modest clothes for my girl. Many of you loved this week's post featuring Casiday's adorable outfits so you can definitely expect more of that. In fact, we're brainstorming a few ideas about mother/daughter styling. And since this week has also had its fair share of stress and anxiety about social media, I thought I'd share some of the great resources I've found lately for ... [Read More]

WIWW Teenage Girl Fashion Edition

Last month was so crazy and busy with big scary projects and lots of ball games. I have to be honest, I only got out of my yoga pants if I had to go to a ball game or to church. Please say you understand and that you have days {weeks, months??} where the same sort of thing happens to you. The good news is,  I still have photos to share with you because my sweet girl has such cute style ... and I wanted to highlight some of her recent outfits. Sometimes it seems like all we hear is how ... [Read More]