Okay, this post is the one I almost decided not to write. I mean, I get to choose which topics to include and which to leave out. So, naturally, I considered leaving out the ones that are hardest for me. But here's the thing: forgiveness isn't optional for us as believers. It's a gift we've received and it's one we're expected to give. Even when it's hard. Even when the offender isn't sorry. Even when we don't want to. Even when it takes doing it again and again, day after ... [Read More]

Light in the Dark Places

Sometimes we share the darkest parts of our lives so others can have light in their dark places. Light in the dark places. You know what I mean, right?  The dark places. I so rarely speak of mine. There are a million reasons why and some of them might even have a little bit of merit. But really, it is simply this—I don't like to go back there. Light in the Dark Places I suppose I could blame it on being a pastor's kid and always feeling the weight of expectation. Or I could say it's ... [Read More]

Living Counter Culturally … Only Through Christ

Welcome to day 29 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life. You can find every post in this series indexed here. First off, let me just say THANK YOU for your enthusiasm for the Prayers For Girls community. Y'all, I've been overwhelmed by the response. As I wrote Monday, I truly believe God is raising up a generation of moms who are desperate to pray for their children and who are committed to making His Word the foundation of their prayers.  What a powerful thing it is when we pray ... [Read More]

What Does Forgiveness Look Like?

Welcome to day 21 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life. You can find a list of every post in this series here. Do you have a particularly difficult relationship in your life?  I'd imagine most of us do or have. And while the particulars of these relationships may vary, one thing is likely true: we have been hurt multiple times by the person who likely is unaware or unwilling to acknowledge the hurt. And honestly, it stinks! Perhaps others are aware of the situation but, ... [Read More]

The Truth about Forgiveness

Welcome to day 20 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life. You can find every post in the series here. I've been thinking a lot about one of those hard relationships in my life and why it is I struggle with forgiveness.  If I were guessing, I'd imagine the reasons I could identify are ones you might recognize in some of those difficult relationships in your life as well. As I talk with my friends and with others who come to me for prayer or counsel finding a way to forgive people ... [Read More]

When We Don’t Forgive

Welcome to day 19 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life. You can find every post listed here. So, yeah, the next three days I am already dreading ... because if I have learned anything from teaching and writing all these years it's this: the topic I'm covering is like a flashing invitation for the enemy to start his attacks right there. The next topic on our list of seven is forgiveness. And, if you'll allow me to be super honest with you — I often struggle hard in this area. I'm ... [Read More]