In March I was saying, "If we can just get through April, then we will have some space to breathe." But May brought with it the chaos of end-of-school and final exams and one more show choir production and cheerleading fittings and graduation and parties ... and then it was June. Really? June, already? Wasn't it just yesterday I was finding a new longing to listen, to learn the practice of stillness? And now, it's June. 2013 is nearing the halfway point. This past weekend Scott and I ... [Read More]
A Time of Waiting
As I'm learning to listen this year, the Lord is teaching me something amazing. He slows me so He can show me. That slowing isn't punishment or discipline, it's a gift He offers. Sadly though, I think it's a gift we reject far too often. We'd rather be busy, accomplishing, working, straining, pushing. Oh we say we wish we could slow down, could find quiet spaces to hear from Him, but most of us don't really want that. We are afraid. Afraid of what He'll say. Afraid of what He'll ... [Read More]
What We Say
Another great quote I've found about listening. I've been thinking a lot about how what we say is influenced by what we hear. How do you find your speaking influenced by your listening? ... [Read More]
Be Still. Listen.
five minutes. be still. listen. join me? ... [Read More]
Realizing the Dream a God-sized Dreams post
Last week Holley challenged us with these words: Do one thing to move forward in your God-sized dream. You get extra credit if it’s simple, small and takes just a few minutes. One thing. Seemed sort of challenging for a girl who isn't really sure what her God-sized dream is. But I went back to the notes I made in my notebook back on day 1 of The "Do What You Can" Plan. We were challenged first to identify what we want and then to set a minimum goal. After we'd set our minimum goal, ... [Read More]