Stocking Stuffers for the Bible Study Girl

I've been a gift guide kick lately. It's so fun to round up all my favorite things and share them ... so here's another one for all the Bible study lovers. And, in case you missed any of the other gift guides I've done this year, here they are: Faith-Inspiring Gifts for Older Teen and Young Adult GirlsGifts for Tweens {focused on knowing their identity in Christ}Faith-Encouraging Gifts for Little Girls {ages 4-8}Books for Your Friends {gift guide for bibliophiles} Please note, these ... [Read More]

20 Family Advent Resources {2019}

Y'all, I know it's barely November and Thanksgiving is late this year but, seriously, it will be December 1 before we know it. And if you are anything like me, you always have great aspirations for doing Advent as a family but somehow the execution always ends ups being not what you'd hoped. This year, I wanted to create a list of easy family Advent resources ... and by easy I mean, even I could probably manage these! :) But before we get to the list, I want to remind you of a couple of ... [Read More]

15 Great Bible Studies for Women

So, almost six years ago I wrote a little post titled Top Ten Bible Study Recommendations and, y'all, it keeps pushing its way to the top of the pile around here. Those ten recommendations are still some of my favorites but I figured it might be time for an updated list. :) 15 Great Bible Studies for Women First a couple of caveats ... because undoubtedly I will leave off your favorite study, right? This list does not include what I call "book studies" which are often found lumped in with ... [Read More]

My New Journaling Bible || HCSB Illustrator’s Notetaking Bible

So, I have a new journaling Bible. Yes, this makes three. Whatev. :) I use my journaling Bibles in different ways and I have loved experimenting with techniques and tools. I love the way I can slow down and meditate on a passage or idea or even a word as I create on the pages of my Bible. It has become a very important part of my time in the Word. And I've also loved the challenge of learning new ways to illustrate what God is showing me. I am a pretty good hand letterer ... but, y'all, I ... [Read More]

STAND OUT: Recommended Resources

This transformation journey began for me, as many things do, with books that piqued my interest and challenged my thinking. And, as I dug into the Word, I longed to understand more about what a counter cultural life is and how it looks for a very unremarkable wife and mom in north Alabama.  As I studied and prayed, I also sought more resources and insight from others who were farther along in the process than I am. I've listened to podcasts, read blog posts, and marked up books ... and today ... [Read More]

Learning to Love Well

For the record, 42-year-olds are really not meant for dorm life. At least not this 42-year-old. In case you missed all the photos on Instagram, I spent nearly two weeks with my girl at cheer camp and then youth camp. I should also mention this 42-year-old is really not meant to spend that much time away from home. :) I'm so glad I went with her — those long conversations and belly laughs in the car as we drove from one camp to the other were worth far more than the lack of sleep. {And the ... [Read More]