Holy Week wasn't a part of my Southern Baptist tradition growing up. In fact, I'm not sure I ever heard the week between Palm Sunday and Easter described as such until I was an adult. But, just as the practices and solemnity of Advent and Lent have drawn me in, I've discovered such depth in understanding the specific activities of Christ, the different people he encountered, the direct words he spoke, each day of that final week. Yesterday, as I was slowly reading through Mark's account of ... [Read More]
{Encouraging Words} Living Sacrifices
Recently I was part of a discussion about sacrifices and what it means to be a living sacrifice for the Lord. I made note there are only two examples of living sacrifices in the Bible: Isaac and Jesus Christ. The thing is, a living sacrifice CHOOSES to remain on the altar. A living sacrifice trusts the Father with everything, surrendering every part of life to His able care. If we are going to live well, we must determine to be living sacrifices offering ourselves entirely to the ... [Read More]
What Does Sacrifice Really Look Like?
I really have no idea what sacrifice looks like. My life is filled with first-world problems and sometimes when I think about the very real tragedies in our world like human trafficking and orphans, I find myself completely overwhelmed. I wonder what sacrifice really means in my day-to-day, average American life. Today, I'm sharing three lessons I've learned about sacrifice on the A Woman Inspired blog. Join me there, please! Oh and so you know ... as my Mother's Day gift to ... [Read More]
Living in the Overflow
This past weekend I was honored to speak at the Walking Wounded Conference in Brunswick, Georgia. As the final speaker, I had the opportunity to listen to women from across the Golden Isles share about the ministries available in that area for women who are dealing with issues ranging from pornography to post-abortive stress. I thought I'd share a bit from my talk titled "Living in the Overflow." We can never live in the abundance, the overflowing fullness, until we are prepared to give up ... [Read More]
Giving {Living} Beyond
For most of us, this week will be filled with food and family, traditions and even some shopping. But for millions around the world - and even many in our communities - this Thursday will not be a festive family occasion. In fact, for many, Thanksgiving is the beginning of the most depressing time of the year, not the most wonderful. As many as 3.5 million people are homeless in the United States during any given week ... and up to 40% of that number are families with children. ... [Read More]
What Has You?
{This post was originally shared on Gather Inspirit.} “For I can testify that they gave not only what they could afford but far more. And they did it of their own free will.” ~ 2 Corinthians 8:3, NLT To be honest, this verse haunts me. As I read it again and again, I keep asking myself this question: Do I have my things or do my things have me? How tightly am I holding to things that rust and moth destroy? My heart has been aching lately over the truth that far too often I love the ... [Read More]