Living Counter Culturally … Only Through Christ

Welcome to day 29 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life. You can find every post in this series indexed here. First off, let me just say THANK YOU for your enthusiasm for the Prayers For Girls community. Y'all, I've been overwhelmed by the response. As I wrote Monday, I truly believe God is raising up a generation of moms who are desperate to pray for their children and who are committed to making His Word the foundation of their prayers.  What a powerful thing it is when we pray ... [Read More]

HOW we serve

Welcome to day 17 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life. You can find an index of every post in this series here. Sometimes when I'm writing about a topic, it's from the overflow of what God has taught me and a desire to share those lessons with others. But sometimes, I find myself writing from my need. Today is the latter. Y'all, the three Underwoods are exhausted. The past six weeks have been nothing but hard. We've dealt with grief at the loss of beloved family members, sorrow ... [Read More]

Why We Serve

Welcome to day 16 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life. You can find an index of every post in this series here. Y'all, I love a good cupcake. It's hard for me to pass by a cupcake store when I'm out and about. There's something special about having my own fully decorated little cake. My favorite cupcake of all time is the wedding cake cupcake at Gigi's. It is beautiful and smells incredible and, oh my word, it tastes amazing. There is only one problem with this little piece of ... [Read More]

Service: the best gift

Welcome to day 15 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life.  You can find an index of every post in this series here. Last night I was teaching from the first eight verses of John 12. It's the account of Mary of Bethany pouring the perfume on Jesus' feet.  Verse 3 says, The house was filled with fragrance of the perfume. I shared with my class that we find the idea of a pleasing aroma to God woven into Scripture from Genesis through Revelation. One of the important truths I wanted to ... [Read More]

STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life

Welcome to my 6th 31 days series! Sixth. Y'all, I've been blogging forever. :) I'm thrilled you are here and I hope this month will be one full of encouragement and inspiration for you. We'll be spending the month of October talking about this: Counter cultural has become one of the buzz words in our church vernacular. A quick Google search on the topic will lead to millions {literally!} of results ... blog posts and books abound. So, you're probably wondering, why have I decided to ... [Read More]