Have You Ever Felt Fresh Out of Amazing?

I remember the first time I read Stacey's confession ... her words painted a picture of exactly how I felt! Lord, I feel like I need to be amazing. The trouble is, I'm fresh out of amazing. Honestly, it rings as true today as it did almost five years ago.  Monday, I sent an email to the Prayers for Girls subscribers. This was the first paragraph: I wanted to start this email all peppy and enthusiastic but the truth is, I am exhausted. Not just physically tired ... but in every way drained. ... [Read More]

Being OK with Where You Are {book review}

When I give my "it" to God I am not setting it free to fly and let the universe decide to bring it back or not. Instead, I am surrendering my plans to a personal God who loves me and knows what is best for my heart. Being OK with Where You Are I have no idea what your "it" is ... in fact, some days I'm not even sure what mine is.  I'm sure I did know, long before the laundry piled up and the pre-algebra homework lasted until bedtime.  But now, somehow, I just feel like I'm treading ... [Read More]