Thanksgiving stockings? Yep. It's one of my favorite traditions around the Underwood house. Every year, after Thanksgiving dinner is served and cleaned up, when everyone is stuffed and just about ready for a nap, we hand out the Thanksgiving Stockings. 5 FUN IDEAS FOR FAMILY THANKSGIVING STOCKINGS I've written about this fun tradition a few times over the years. And, over the years, our own Thanksgiving stocking contents have varied and evolved. As Casiday has gotten older, we don't ... [Read More]
A Few Things on Friday the 13th
This morning when I was having my quiet time I realized it is Friday the 13th. Which of course took me back to my high school days in the late 1980s and made me think of all the horror/slasher films that I watched {and by watched I mean held my hands above my eyes as I screamed and jumped in the theater}. And that made me think about the time we took our senior adults from Georgia on a trip to the Smoky Mountains and they wanted to do Ripley's Haunted House in Gatlinburg. Y'all, I literally ... [Read More]
25 Ideas for Thanksgiving Stocking Stuffers
Thanksgiving stockings. Yes, you read that right. It's my favorite tradition here at the Underwood abode. Scott and I were trying to remember when we started it ... and we're just pretty sure it was within the first year or two of our marriage. Here's the gist: We realized there are all sorts of little Christmas-y goodies we loved to gift but it seemed silly to put them into Christmas stockings because what fun are Christmas socks on Christmas morning? So, we started our Thanksgiving ... [Read More]