He leans over to kiss me on the back of my neck as I wash the dishes. His arm slides across my shoulders as we sit on the front pew. He gently turns off the iPad and removes the earbuds after I've fallen asleep to another episode of The West Wing. He fixes dinner {again} because I've been working all day to launch this new website. He puts gas in my car and makes sure I have Pepsi to drink. He saves the words we've written to each other. He tells me I am the only beautiful woman he's ever ... [Read More]
My Valentine
I write often about my husband and our marriage. In fact, I had planned to just pick a post I'd shared previously and use it today ... but there were so many and each one brought me great joy to read again ... and reminded me again of the great blessing that is my husband. I'm overwhelmed by my love for him ... as we near our 15th wedding anniversary (yes, I was totally a child bride! LOL), I realize that first love, that flutter in my heart when he walked into the room, has grown deeper in ... [Read More]