10 Verses of Hope for Hard Times

We've started our fourth week of social distancing, stay-at-home-ing and while parts of all this are starting to feel normal, there are parts that are getting harder. Let's just be honest — this is hard. And none of us was really prepared for how hard it would be. If you're like me, some days you are feeling pretty helpless and maybe even have moments when you feel a little hopeless. It's okay. Here's what I'm finding, even when I don't FEEL hope, I can KNOW hope. Because hope isn't a ... [Read More]

10 Traits of Christ-Centered Friendships

Who's your best friend? Does one name immediately come to mind? Perhaps it's a few names, people who have walked with you through many seasons? For me, I think of a few groups of people, most of them don't even know each other. I've got those sweet high school friends, our connection forged through tight-rolled jeans and the big hair of the 80s. The college friends who knew me in my worst season of life and still love me anyway. The friends I've made through ministry and the various ... [Read More]

How to Pray When You Just Don’t Know What to Pray

A few years ago life was hard. Not in the dramatic, life-threatening illness kind of way (we were past that season), but in the nothing is going smoothly sort of way. Church was hard. Marriage was hard. Family was hard. Parenting was hard. During that time, I wasn't always sure what to pray. In fact, some days I just didn't know what to pray at all. I wasn't depressed or angry or hurt ... I was really more weary than anything else. When You Just Don't Know What to Pray I'm guessing you ... [Read More]

3 Ways to Invest in Your Marriage

I didn't want to write this post. In fact, I've avoided it for longer than I'd care to admit. But here's the thing, my stomach hurts over this. I have agonized and prayed and wept for hours ... because marriage is seriously under attack! Over the past few years, twenty marriages of people we know have either ended in divorce or come dangerously close. For every year we have been married, the marriage of someone we know has ended. I recently read a popular blogger's explanation for her ... [Read More]

Praying the Psalms {or “I No Longer Think David Was a Whiner”}

I can be, well let's just say, I can be overly emotional. I like to blame it on my mid-forties hormones but the truth is, I've always been this way. I come by it honest — my Bigmama is, as my Aunt Mollianne says, "a force of nature." I feel things deeply, believe things strongly, and speak things passionately. I get tears in my eyes every time the band plays "Star-Spangled Banner" before a football game and I laugh hysterically at the cat and cucumber videos every time I watch them on ... [Read More]

#MarriagePrayers: 1 John 4:7

Can you believe it? The last post in our #MarriagePrayers series. Thank you so much for joining us ... we've loved sharing these stories and verses and prayers with you. To those who have shared these posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, we give our deepest thanks. To those who have left comments and sent emails to let us know how the prayers have impacted you, we are humbled and grateful that God would use us. To those who are struggling to find a shred of hope to hang on to in your ... [Read More]