{Some of} My Favorite Books of 2016

Okay, before we get started I need you to know something ... writing posts like this is super hard for me because, really and truly, books are like friends for me and choosing my favorites is akin to asking me to leave people off the list for a big party! Life would be so much easier if you all lived on my street instead of in my computer and then you could just come over and browse my bookshelves and I could tell you why every book on them is amazing and how it might encourage you. But since ... [Read More]

Have You Ever Felt Fresh Out of Amazing?

I remember the first time I read Stacey's confession ... her words painted a picture of exactly how I felt! Lord, I feel like I need to be amazing. The trouble is, I'm fresh out of amazing. Honestly, it rings as true today as it did almost five years ago.  Monday, I sent an email to the Prayers for Girls subscribers. This was the first paragraph: I wanted to start this email all peppy and enthusiastic but the truth is, I am exhausted. Not just physically tired ... but in every way drained. ... [Read More]