Why Is Giving Ourselves Space in between Studies Valuable?

Last week I shared a few ideas about what we can do when we are in between Bible studies or reading plans. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Review what you’ve previously studied.
  • Work on a study you never finished.
  • Read Proverbs.
  • Meditate on a specific verse or passage.
  • Memorize a verse or two.

I mentioned that I believe giving ourself space in between studies is important and that it is a key part of how we plan in Scripture Dig.

Today, though, I want to share the WHY behind this recommendation. I think it’s important to realize what we gain from not jumping from study to study.

Why is giving ourselves space in between Bible studies valuable? Two reasons not to jump from study to study.

2 Reasons to Give Yourself Space in between Bible Studies

So many people I know go from Bible study to Bible study, sometimes even doing three or four at the same time. And while I appreciate their zeal and desire to learn, I think there is also great value in not taking that approach to spending time in the Word.

Here are my two biggest reasons why:

Reason #1: Time to process what we’ve learned.

When we rush from study to study, reading plan to reading plan, we never have time to actually process what we’ve learned. We’re too busy moving on to learning the next thing.

But the truth is, we need time to process what God’s Word says. And that means giving ourselves space to reflect and review what we’ve just learned.

Reason #2: Time to apply what we’ve learned.

As we study Scripture, we discover the ways God is moving to conform us to His image. And often this takes time. Giving ourselves time in between studies also provides time for us to apply what we’ve learned in a deeper, more intentional way.

For example, if, after our study of Ephesians, you realized you needed to change some of your habits, behaviors, or attitudes about parenting or your marriage, taking time to focus on that and prayerfully seek the Lord’s guidance without jumping into a new study is important.

Paul speaks about women who are always seeking knowledge and never coming to the truth in 2 Timothy 3:7. We don’t want to be those women who are “always learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (CSB)

The thing is, we can get so busy gathering information and knowledge that we never actually make time for putting what we’ve learned into practice in our lives.

Giving ourselves space in between studies is a great way to open ourselves up to the Spirit’s work.

Why is giving ourselves space in between Bible studies valuable? Two reasons not to jump from study to study.

My hope for all of us is simply this: that we’d come to Scripture seeking God. And that as we meet Him in the pages of our Bibles, that we’d be willing to give the Holy Spirit freedom to work in us, conforming us to the image of Christ. That takes time, a lifetime, in fact.

Giving ourselves space in between Bible studies is a great way to open ourselves up to the Spirit's work. #ScriptureDig #myScriptureDig Share on X

Have you made it a practice to take time in between your Bible studies or reading plans to process and apply what you’ve learned? How do you think this practice can help us grow in understanding of God and His desires for us?

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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