Yes, I Read My Daughter’s Texts {and no, it isn’t because I don’t trust her}

Yes, I am that mom.  Every night, I read my daughter's texts and log into her social media accounts to look at the direct messages and friends lists. I am the one who "stalks" anyone on those lists I don't know.  I am the mom who knew about Yik Yak two days before a student used it to make a bomb threat at my daughter's school because I was checking texts. One of my girl's friends said to her mom, "Mrs. Teri Lynne knows everything. She might even know before it happens." As much as I'd ... [Read More]

You Are Not a Failure

Okay, y'all, today I am registering my daughter for high school. {I know, you are probably sick of hearing about this — but, for real, high school?? How is that even possible.  We just brought her home from the hospital last week.} I'm experiencing all the emotions.  Last night she and I were in the car {the theme of our summer} and I was overwhelmed by how much I enjoy her and how much fun we have had this summer. Oh there have been some moments when we probably could have killed each other ... ... [Read More]