I love my Kindle … I don’t have any sort of iPad envy at all because all I want is my Kindle. I take it with me EVERYWHERE. So far this year, I’ve read over 25 books because my Kindle is so easy to pick up and use. And of the 70 books on my Kindle … I have paid more than $1.00 for about 10! And, because my Kindle will convert PDF files, I am able to download eBooks from sites like scribd and issuu and move them from my computer into my Kindle. {That’s what I did with Brooke’s Warrior Prayers and I’m using my Kindle to edit the eBooks I am working on right now.}
That said, I thought you might be interested to know what sorts of books I have gotten FREE! or for under $1.00 for my Kindle – especially since you can download these books onto your iProducts, Blackberries, and computers. So, here is the list of my favorite ten books I have downloaded for $1.00 or less.
- The Holy Bible English Standard Version (ESV)
… totally free! {Of course I also bought The ESV Study Bible
“>the ESV Study Bible I’d been wanting but rather than paying $50.00 for the hard copy, I put it on my Kindle for $9.99!}
- Moms’ Ultimate Guide to the Tween Girl World
{This book is excellent! It was free when I downloaded it but is now priced at $9.99. You have to check daily to get the best deals … but definitely worth the few minutes to check.}
- The American Frugal Housewife … free. {I am loving this … so many great tips and ideas.}
- Living Rich by Spending Smart: How to Get More of What You Really Want
{Another one I got free but is now back up to $9.99. If you’re keeping track, I’ve saved almost $30 so far.}
- Vanished
{Downloaded this one when it was free for the girl to read. It’s a FaithGirlz! mystery and she loved it. It’s now $3.99.}
- Calm My Anxious Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Contentment
{EXCELLENT book. It is now priced at $7.99 but definitely worth more than that. I loved it and am re-reading it slowly.}
- Michal: A Novel
… still free. {I’m not a huge fiction reader but I do enjoy some historical fiction about biblical characters. If you enjoy Francine Rivers’ books, you’ll like this one. It reminded me of her series about the women in the lineage of Christ.}
- Circle of Friends Cookbook 25 Slow Cooker Recipes: Exclusive online cookbook
… FREE!! { I lurve me some Gooseberry Patch cookbooks … and the Circle of Friends series is FREE! There are three others – Mac & Cheese, Chocolate Cookies, and Meatloaf.}
- The Pursuit of God (Optimized for Kindle)
{A classic … for less than $1.00. Definitely download this one.}
- Money and Marriage
{Another one I got free but now is selling for $7.99.}
I “like” Pixel of Ink on Facebook and they share the daily deals on eBooks. But I also check the Kindle bestsellers at least once a week. There is a listing of free books as well as the priced books … and there are often great deals on the priced list as well! {BTW, I just checked Pixel of Ink and there is a Francine Rivers’ book – Leota’s Garden – available for free right now. Here’s the link …Leota’s Garden. And I just found Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives
by Dr. Richard Swenson is also available as a free download for Kindle right now on the Kindle bestsellers page. I am excited about that one because I have heard so many great things about it … and I feel certain it fits my lopsided living theory perfectly!}
And so, there you have it … my tips on getting free books and a few of the ones I’ve gotten that I love!
Happy Reading!
I have several of Watchman Nee’s books that I got for nearly nothing. I have downloaded and re-read several pieces of classic literature for free as well. I have had my Kindle for several years and really, can’t imagine being without it now. An added bonus is not having to try to find more room on the shelves for books. What I don’t like is that when I read a really wonderful book, I can’t just loan it to someone I think might like it. But I have ordered used copies of books and given them, if I really think that it might mean something to someone. I”m so glad you are enjoying yours!
I love getting so many of the classics for free or nearly nothing. And I am really going to try to figure out the “Share” feature on the Kindle so we can swap books!! 🙂
Yes. Especially since your Uncle Ed had this great idea for Malcolm’s birthday. We had decided to get him a Kindle. Ed said to give him mine and my old netbok and a $50 gift card to Amazon and just upgrade my Kindle. Don’t you love the way that Uncle Ed thinks :)? I should receive my new and upgraded {3G} Kindle day after tomorrow.
Yay! That’s what I have. We need to figure out how to share books!
loved your post! I have kindle on my PC with DREAMS of owning a kindle soon! 🙂 I’m collected free books when I can so I have a library to put on one!
Great idea!!
OOOOOh, I need a kindle! Leota’s Garden is one of my FAVE books. I’ve read it at least 3 times!
Great great list!
I haven’t read it yet but am definitely looking forward to it.
Malcolm is buying himself a Kindle. It’s only going to make me save harder for mine. Think he would notice if some cook books suddenly showed up on his?
Beth recently posted…When life is hard
Go Malc!! I bet he wouldn’t mind a few cookbooks … just for a while. 🙂
Dr. Swenson was one of my hubby’s doctoral seminar professors–so I read the first ed. of Margin years ago. Looking forward to reading the 2nd edition on my Kindle 🙂
Pattie recently posted…Gifts 10
You have mentioned this book to me several times so when I saw it was free … I knew I needed it!
What a great idea for a Top Ten list and what a blessing to your readers.
First time here for me.. just stopping by via TopTen List. Beautiful blog you have here..
Thank you, Mikki, for stopping by!! I do hope you will visit again!!