Recently someone asked me what I do and I answered, “I’m a blogger.” While those around me stared as if I had grown a second nose, when I said it aloud to non-bloggers I found myself feeling very content and satisfied with what I do. I suppose I could have said that I was a writer (which I am) or an online teacher (which I am) or even that I dabble in graphic design and html (which I do) … but in my mind, it was just easier and more complete to say, “I’m a blogger.”
So, here are the top ten reasons I love being a blogger {at least the top ten for this week!!}:
1. The opportunity to review and giveaway amazing books by gifted authors.
2. The lessons I’ve learned (and am learning!) about trusting God with my dreams.
3. The companies I work with to be able to offer my readers FREE resources.
4. The people I’ve met who share the way their past of hopelessness has been turned into a promise of hope.
5. That I am able to offer my own stories of learning to live in Christ.
6. That I have the opportunity to write with incredible and godly women who are writers and teachers of God’s truth.
7. The friends I have made who are using their own life’s experiences to build communities where others can draw encouragement and share support.
8. The wisdom of others written with grace and poured into my own life.
9. The beautiful friendships started in 140 characters or less but grown into deep heart connections – more often than I could begin to count.
10. The way I am learning again to count – not offenses or failures or even successes – but rather the beauty of the mundane and ordinary as well as the spectacular and unimaginable.
I know, a lot of links … but hey, that’s what bloggers do! We link to people we respect, writers we love, friends we treasure, blog posts that touch us, websites that challenge us, and periodically lists of giveaways and freebies! So, you might wanna take a few minutes to check out a link or two … you might make a new friend or be challenged by a blogger or two, or maybe even find some giveaways you would love to enter!! 🙂
{In fact, I’ve got a giveaway or two or maybe six! going on right now so I’m thinking you might wanna check those out!! And, word on the street is there will be another one tomorrow so why don’t you just go ahead and subscribe so you don’t miss a thing!!}
{In fact, again, I’m thinking maybe I should offer a little giveaway on this post too … Leave a comment sharing one reason you love being a blogger (or if you’re not one, one reason why you read blogs) and everyone who does will get a FREE pdf copy of the currently-in-process version of a Bible study I’ll be releasing thru Amazon in late August about faithfulness. So, answer the question and be sure to leave your email address!}
Happily linking to Oh! Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday
I love being a blogger! I’m continually in awe of the gifts the Lord has blessed me with in the most unlikely world of social media. Friends, teachers, sisters in Christ, ministries, scripture all have nourished my soul over the last couple of years. Twitter, Facebook and Blogging. Whoddathunk?
You are a big part of that TL! Thank you, friend.
I love reading blogs because it helps me to remember what is important in my life.
I love being a blogger, because that’s how I got to meet you sweet friend! You are a blessing!!
Not a blogger – but have thought about it – but I love the comfort i get reading blogs and realizing I am not alone it what I think or feel about various aspects of my life – Thank you.
Yes! Yes!
Love that blogging brought us together, friend!!!!
I like being a blogger because it allows me to write, offer giveaways, and make connections!
Oh, absolutely on so many of these. The faith community I’ve been blessed to find on blogs and Twitter has impacted me more than I could have imagined. And this discipline of studying to write and blog deepens my journey with Him. Lovely list.
I love your list!!!! Yes, this! 🙂
Hope you’re having a wonderful week,
I love being a blogger too! The people you meet and somehow feel so contacted to and you haven’t even met! Have a great day!
I love reading blogs for many of the same reason you love writing yours. The chance to connect with people I may never meet in real life, people who have wisdom and life experiences that I can learn from. This is true whether the blog is inspirational, like yours, or a quilting or scrapbooking blog. I can learn something that I am interested in learning from those who blog.
Thanks for all you do.
I have a blog that I started, but I just didn’t have time to keep it going. It was mostly just about little things in life around my house with my two boys. I enjoy reading blogs because of the information I am able to find, and in our “modern” world, it seems to be a way of connecting and sharing life with other people. Thanks!