Book Review: The Pastor’s Wife by Gloria Furman

Do you ever wonder what your pastor’s wife is thinking? Or how she feels?  Ever wish you peek into her heart — not as a busy body but so you could better minister to her?

If so, The Pastor’s Wife* by Gloria Furman is for you.

Gloria shares an honest account of life in the pastor’s home with a candor and grace that will open your eyes to a taste of what it’s like to be married to the man who shepherds the flock and shares the Gospel.

While she wrote the book for pastor’s wives, I believe this book will encourage all women who desire to grow in our marriages, learning to submit to our husbands as shepherds of our homes. And, if you really want to understand a little more about your pastor’s wife {and the other staff wives like me!}, this book can provide you with plenty of insight and direction for your prayers.

Book Review:  The Pastor's Wife by Gloria FurmanDivided into three parts, each section of The Pastor’s Wife* touches on a specific area of life in ministry.

Part 1: Loving the Chief Shepherd

Oh y’all! I absolutely loved this section! The truth is, pastors’ wives just like all other wives have to remember our salvation is found through Christ alone, not in titles or accolades or accomplishments.  So much of what she writes in this section is applicable to all of us.  For example, “What activity if it were taken from you, would devastate you? You know that a ministry opportunity is greater to you than Jesus if, when it is taken, hindered, or altered, you feel rattled, wrecked, preoccupied, anxious, insecure, insignificant, ignored, angry, sad, betrayed, or distraught” (p. 45).

Part 2: Loving an Under-Shepherd

In this section, Furman digs deeper into the reality of life in a pastor’s home and into the heart of a pastor’s wife.  Many years ago, a good friend and pastor’s wife for many years reminded me that most ministries and tasks in the church that can be done by others but only I can be the wife to my husband and mother to my children.  Furman’s words in this section strongly echo my wise friend’s counsel. She points back to the simple and powerful truth that we must be rooted in the Word of God and fervent in prayer for our husbands as they lead.  {Again, I believe there is great encouragement in this section for those who are not married to men in ministry but desire to know how to encourage and pray for their husbands.}

Part 3: Loving the Bride of Christ

No doubt this is an important topic to me — I wrote a whole book about it! Furman challenges  us to use our giftedness for the benefit of the body but also to remember it is Christ who builds His church.  “Our potential to minister to others is not measured by our gifts but by our God, who gives us everything we need to do everything he calls us to do. Therefore, we minister out of our weakness so that Christ’s strength is on display” (p. 138-139).  Yes!!! And again, a truth applicable to all of us.

truth for all of us from Gloria Furman's book, "The Pastor's Wife"

Gloria Furman writes about the challenges and struggles she faces as a pastor’s wife with humor and honesty.  This is an encouraging book full of wise counsel and biblical truth about the role of the pastor’s wife.  I highly recommend it to my PW friends … and for anyone who loves a pastor’s wife and wants to pray for and support her.


Teri Lynne

What is one thing you wish you could ask your pastor’s wife?

{The links in this post marked with an astrisk* are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission should you purchase through them.  I also want to say thank you to the lovely folks at Crossway Books who graciously sent me a copy of this book with no strings attached. It has been my pleasure to review and provide an honest opinion about The Pastors’ Wife by Gloria Furman.}

Want to find a little something to encourage a pastor’s wife you know? 

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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