This is probably one of my favorite types of posts to write because I love to share what I’m reading.
If we met for coffee and I got there before you, you wouldn’t walk in and see me on my phone, you’d see me holding a book {or maybe my Kindle}. I always have a book in my bag. And there are always stacks of books marking where I’m sitting.
I desperately want to keep a running list of what I’ve finished but, well, it’s been a few years since I was successful at that. However, I am working hard to keep my bookshelves on GoodReads up-to-date. {Do you use GoodReads? If so, let’s make sure we’re connected there, mmkay? Here’s my 2017 shelf!}
So, here goes …
What I’m Reading — January 2017
I was trying to figure out how to share all these books with you this month and I finally decided to share them by categories (sort of). Also, these aren’t really book reviews more like my thoughts along the way. I do write book reviews and if I have one for any of the books I mention I’ll make sure to link it. This post, though, is really what I’d say if we were just chatting about the books we are reading right now.
[Oh and one more thing, in full disclosure, all these links are affiliate links which just means if you purchase through them I’ll receive a small commission which I assure you will lead to more books in my stacks and more posts like this. My husband thanks you for being my enabler.}
Let’s start with what is sitting on my desk. These are the books I’m reading for my own personal growth and/or as research for writing …
Grace not Perfection by Emily Ley — First off, let me just tell you this is one of the most beautiful books I have. It’s hardback and hot pink and, well, delicious to look at! I’ve just started it but I love Emily’s planners and her Instagram feed is one of the best. And, of course, I love the title … sounds sort of like something anyone pursuing Lopsided Living would like, right??
Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson — I’ve been reading this one slowly. Sandra recommended it to me before Christmas and I’m about halfway finished. I stayed on page 103 with these sentences for a couple of days: “Humility is not feeling a certain way about yourself, not feeling small or low or embarrassed or even humiliated. Theologically speaking, humility is a proper understanding of who God is and who we are as a result.” SO good. This is a theme I keep circling back to — that a right understanding of God is the key to a right understanding of me. When I start with me, I always end up in selfishness and pride; but, when I start with God, I end up in a posture of humility and gratitude.
Craving Connection from (in)courage — Of course I love the girls at (in)courage and I knew I’d love this book. And I did … in fact, I loved it so much I decided to spend this year putting it into practice … and you’re invited to join me. {details here!} Also, the new Craving Connection kit from DaySpring and Illustrated Faith is incredible! If you’ve ever thought about trying your hand at Bible journaling, this would be a great way to do it.
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown — So apparently I’m one of the last people on earth to read this book. But man, it’s good. I’ve got it on my Kindle and I’m reading just a bit of it every night.
{Which makes me wonder, what kind of books do you read at night? Me? I usually read a little bit of nonfiction or a devotion and then settle into a fiction book I’ve read before. It has to be one I’ve already read or else I’ll stay up all night to finish. I just finished The Selection series—for the fifth time, I think—and will start reading The Hunger Games again now. I have a cycle … and it’s all YA fiction. So strange, huh?}
And then there’s this one by the couch …
The Faith of Condoleeza Rice by Leslie Montgomery — I adore biographies. I try to read at least a couple every year. Scott got me this one for Christmas and I’m really enjoying it.
And this one I finished and LOVED …
The Magnolia Story by Joanna & Chip Gaines — Y’all! I love the Gaines and this book was a fun read about their story. Joanna wrote most of it (naturally) but Chip’s interjections are HILARIOUS. It’s like a book form of what we all love about Fixer Upper — their relationship!
And one of my reading goals for 2017 is to read at least one book on writing, publishing, or business every month …
Ask by Ryan Levesque — Can I just admit how hard it is for me to promote myself? I LOVE telling you and all my friends about the awesome things everyone else is doing but it feels so strange to share about myself. I’ve loved what this book says about remembering that when I’m asking you to do or buy something it really is because I believe it will benefit you.
Spellbinding Sentences by Barbara Baig — I’m sort of a rambler, in case you hadn’t noticed. ha! One of my biggest writing goals for this year is to take the time to craft better sentences.
In my Amazon Cart right now …
Nothing to Prove: Why We Can Stop Trying So Hard by Jennie Allen — This one releases next week and it’s a real possibility I’lll order it this weekend. Because, for real, I’m exhausted by trying so hard and feeling so “not enough.” You too? Maybe we need to do a book club on this one, right?
Word-Filled Women’s Ministry: Loving and Serving the Church by Gloria Furman and Kathleen B. Nielson, editors— As a pastor’s wife, Bible teacher, and writer/speaker to women, one of my greatest desires is to be a real encouragement to the church. And, even more, to be one who points others to the Word as the authority for our lives.
Falling Free: Rescued from the Life I Always Wanted by Shannan Martin — I know I’ll love this and the only reason I haven’t bought it yet is I also know I’ll stop everything to read it and I have some big deadlines over the next couple of weeks. So this one is my reward for finishing those tasks. {Do you reward yourself?? And do you use books?? Or chocolate?? Because sometimes I use chocolate.}
And, of course, these are the Bible studies I’m doing …
John study on She Reads Truth — We’re wrapping up this study tomorrow and it has been really good. My favorite SRT studies are always the ones that cover whole books of the Bible. But I am excited about the next new study, Making Room: A Study of Biblical Hospitality that begins on Monday.
Entrusted: A Study of 2 Timothy by Beth Moore — I’m doing this one on my own. So many of my ministry and writing friends have said this study is an absolute necessity for women in ministry that I decided to do it. I downloaded the audio from LifeWay and ordered my book from Amazon. I’m doing a whole week’s worth of lessons on Sunday afternoons. So far it’s really been amazing. I haven’t done a Beth Moore study in several years so it’s been great to get deep into one.
James — We’re going through the book of James on Wednesday nights in our women’s Bible study at church. I’m not leading the study which is sort of nice. I think it’s important for those of us who are teachers to take periodic breaks and engage in a study we are not leading. {And speaking of James, have you checked out the new Word Writers study on James by Denise J. Hughes It’s really good. I’m using it as a supplement to what we’re discussing on Wednesdays.}
So, what are you reading? What do I need to add to my collection? Spill, girl, I love to know what books everyone else can’t put down.
Love this #WhatImReading list from @terilynneu ... including what's in her Amazon cart! Share on X
Teri Lynne
P.S. One of the most popular posts I’ve written is a list of Bible studies I recommend. I wrote it in 2011 and haven’t really shared a list like that since then. So, coming next week — a great resource and reference for women’s ministry leaders, Bible study teachers, and all of us who love to dig deep into the Word of God in groups and as individuals!
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