Grace Is Greater {and why that matters}

Grace Is Greater.

Kyle Idleman’s newest book is powerful and convicting in much the same way as Pete Wilson’s book, Let Hope In.  In fact, though it’s only March, I’m ready to say if you are only going to read one book besides the Bible this year, this is the one! {Which should tell you something about how much I loved it since I have my own first book releasing in July of this year.}

In "Grace Is Greater," Kyle Idleman's forthright discussion of forgiveness, gratitude, redemption, surrender, and more offer those of us who want to walk in the fullness of God's grace a path to understanding not only what this means but also what it looks like.

GRACE IS GREATER {and why that matters}

If you read Idleman’s book, Not a Fan, you are familiar with his writing style which is equal parts humor and honesty. Kyle is gifted in taking biblical concepts and presenting them in an easy-to-understand manner while encouraging the reader to both evaluate and apply the truths he shares.

Grace Is Greater continues where Not a Fan left off.

And it’s a continuation we all need.

Grace explained is necessary, but grace is experienced is essential. (p. 18)

With this last sentence in the Introduction, Kyle lays the foundation for the rest of the book. The next ten chapters use  biblical truth, personal examples, and real-life stories to explain what it is to experience grace in three areas of life: our mistakes, our hurts, and our circumstances.

In "Grace Is Greater," Kyle Idleman's forthright discussion of forgiveness, gratitude, redemption, surrender, and more offer those of us who want to walk in the fullness of God's grace a path to understanding not only what this means but also what it looks like.

While I highlighted and underlined and wrote in the margins on almost every page, the reason I really believe everyone I know could benefit from reading this book is found in the first full chapter, “More Forgiving than Your Guilt.”  Kyle writes,

Our ability to appreciate grace is in direct correlation to the degree to which we acknowledge our need for it. (p. 23)

A few years ago I began to recognize this truth in my own life. It was a profound awareness that my gratitude for the grace and mercy I had been given by God could only be as valuable to me as my sin was horrific. See, when we don’t think our sin is that bad, we don’t understand our true need for God’s lavish grace.

Idleman says it this way, “The more I recognize the ugliness of my sin, the more I can appreciate the beauty of God’s grace.” (p. 23) Yes. A couple of pages later he writes, “We work hard at convincing ourselves and others we’re not that bad, but the truth is we are worse than we ever imagined.” (p. 25).

By digging deep and challenging us to dig deep with him, Idleman identifies ten areas grace is greater:

  • More forgiving than your guilt
  • More beautiful than your brokenness
  • More redemptive than your regrets
  • More healing than your wounds
  • More freeing than your bitterness
  • More prevailing than your vengeance
  • More reconciling than your resentment
  • More powerful than your disappointments
  • More powerful than your weakness
  • More hopeful than your despair

His forthright discussion of forgiveness, gratitude, redemption, surrender, and more offer those of us who want to walk in the fullness of God’s grace a path to understanding not only what this means but also what it looks like.

While I can’t say this book was an easy read, I can assure you the challenge of letting Kyle’s words and wisdom seep into your heart and mind will be worth it. His final four sentences are a powerful challenge to anyone who has struggled with receiving and extending grace —

In "Grace Is Greater," Kyle Idleman's forthright discussion of forgiveness, gratitude, redemption, surrender, and more offer those of us who want to walk in the fullness of God's grace a path to understanding not only what this means but also what it looks like.Life is hard.

God is good.

Just keep reading.

Grace is greater.

Personally, I found Kyle’s words to be challenging and convicting in several areas of my life but I also found them to be encouraging and affirming in my desire to pursue lopsided living and the full life Christ has offered us in Him.

And, it’s my firm belief, you will find the same things in the pages of Grace Is Greater: God’s Plan to Overcome Your Past, Redeem Your Pain, and Rewrite Your Story.


Teri Lynne

Get your copy of Grace Is Greater at major book sellers or on Amazon (affiliate link) — Grace Is Greater by Kyle Idelman.

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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