I’m just going to lay it all out there today. In the past couple of years, I’ve gone through a major transition … though it seems I was basically unaware of said transition until quite recently. I suppose I thought the moodiness, inability to sleep, lack of focus, ongoing procrastination, and being hot all the time were just a normal part of my 30s. Duh.
Doesn’t every woman go through this? Isn’t “the change” a part of life for we XX chromosome types? The doctor put me on some pills and reminded me that “at this age” I needed to start being mindful of exercise and adequate sleep as well as good nutrition. I just figured I was finally a grown up.
Until … I found out not everyone experiences this in their thirties. In fact, some people are born like this and some people never get to this. AND it’s not just a woman thing!!
Oh, you thought I was talking about another “change of life” for women. Sorry … I’m talking about “It’ll Be There Tomorrow Syndrome” {heretofore referred to as IBTTS – not to be confused with IBS because that’s a whole ‘nother thing there, buddy!}.
IBTTS can have the following symptoms:
- Inability to complete a task without caffeine.
- Perpetual list-making followed by loss of said list
- An overwhelming sense of being overwhelmed {which results in …}
- Making a list of what needs to be done
- Multiple projects in process simultaneously
- Multiple projects set aside for completion at later date
- Multiple incomplete projects forgotten
- Consistent use of time on things other than housework
- Multiple tweets, blogs, and status updates about urgent need to do housework
- Feelings of ineptitude, self-degradation, and uselessness
- Prone to outbursts of frustration and hostility toward those in the home
- Guilt and despair
Can anyone relate? Has your kitchen ever looked like this:
or this:
Maybe your laundry gets like this:
Or you have piles like this:
Good news, my friends! Very good news. {No, Merry Maids isn’t coming for free.} My friend Sarah Mae has written a great ebook called 31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way. {And, so you know, my sweet sister Beth came up with that amazing subtitle!!!}
I could write for a week about how incredible this book is. But the one thing I want you to know is this:
Sarah Mae has successful merged the practical how-to with the divine why-to and given us a resource for our homes, hands, and hearts.
A few of my favorite things:
- RESOURCES! Throughout the book are lists and ideas and suggestions for all sorts of cleaning and homemaking tasks. {Especially I loved the List Plan It tools.}
- CONTRIBUTORS! From Sarah Mae’s sister-in-law to Kimba from A Soft Place to Land, this book is full of wise counsel for cleaning our homes and our hearts.
- FORMAT. The format is easy to follow and each day’s reading is easily completed in 15 minutes or so. Filled with practical information and an encouraging tone, 31 Days to Clean will surely become one of my favorite go-to places for ideas and hints.
- CHALLENGES. Every day, the reader is offered a Mary Challenge for her heart and a Martha Challenge for her hands. I love this … as we seek clean hearts before the Lord we learn to offer our clean homes as a gift back to Him and to our families.
Obviously, I think this is a resource well worth your time and money! Available for Kindle and Kindle apps and as a download – for less than $5! – I promise you will not regret purchasing this ebook. AND, the 31 Days to Clean Challenge is starting Sunday, May 1st. I’ll be gladly joining in … and would love for you to join us as well!
My favorite quote from the book is this:
Let grace cover the areas you cannot change. Don’t beat yourself up or think you aren’t doing enough. God knows where you’re at; His grace is sufficient.
Thank you, Sarah Mae, for sharing with us what God is showing you!
What is the hardest place to keep clean in your house??
Dusting. It’s just awful!
Our house is still a construction zone, so there is always ample amounts of dust. It’s my never-ending battle–even more than laundry for seven people, if you can imagine. LOL!
Hardest place to keep clean – other than my bedroom? LOL I guess the kitchen.
Thanks for sharing and joining in Teri Lynne! 🙂
Christin @ Joyful Mothering recently posted…As My Heart Grows Faint
My “landing zone” on my kitchen counter is my biggest challenge. I fight the battle everyday! All I have to do it put things away or deal with papers as they come into the house, but it seems I always have more pressing issues to face. Or maybe it’s just procrastination 🙂
I keep seeing this book pop up everywhere! I think I need to download it and get reading. I find that my kitchen is a hard place to keep clean. If I get sidetracked just one meal the entire kitchen explodes. It literally has to be cleaned 3+x per day. We also have a “catch all” spot on our back porch that is always a mess. In the end I am THANKFUL that I have a kitchen to mess up and stuff cluttering my home. I am blessed.
Too funny! My house is in constant upheaval due to the upcoming 2nd move in a year. But the book is still on my wishlist!
Hardest place? The boys bathroom. I have nightmares about that place! Not to mention to get to it I have to pass through the laundry room where the piles of clothes just might eat me, and then through the boys bedroom, where I could break something trying to navigate through the toys.
Beth recently posted…The Curiosity Files – Platypus
I also have IBTTS. Is there a prescription for it? 🙂
Sandra recently posted…Drop the Full Weight of It as His Feet
Um…right there with you. http://thecutestchaos.blogspot.com/2011/01/are-you-perfect.html
🙂 I wouldn’t even show you what our new place looks like now. WAY WORSE!
Peaceful Wishes,
I am with you! And I am bringing a few friends along for the ride. With Joy, Carey
p.s. – I have to admit I am kinda nervous about it.
my issue isn’t so much a room but laundry. I just can not seem to find the follow through with putting it up. I found your blog through the blog roll for this challenge. I’m looking forward to having some dots connect in my attempts to clean and get to the heart of the matter. Growing up with a single working mother alot of this was never taught to me and now that I have 3 children I see that I am leading them down the same path that I was taken down and something needs to change. I look forward to see what else you share in May. BTW I am blown away by your blog and will be back after I read my Bible. Cough Cough, the blog has been a distraction this morning and I think you have a previous post concerning that very topic!!!!! I will be back 🙂
Thank you … so many kind words. I am honored. And looking forward to working through this challenge with you.