{Top Ten} Regret-Free Parenting Quotes


So last week I shared about the books I was reading … this week, I’m going to give you the highlights of one I’ve finished.

Regret Free Parenting: Raise Good Kids and Know You’re Doing It Right by Catherine Hickem, LCSW, is EXCELLENT!!  I found it both challenging and encouraging.   Grounded in the Word of God {loved the “Faith Points” she shared throughout the book},  personal wisdom, and professional experience, this book is a must-have for any mom’s library.

Here are just a few of the countless highlighted portions of my copy of this book:

  1. At its most basic, “intentional motherhood” means that you keep your values and beliefs at the forefront of your parenting role.  You actively seek out ways to demonstrate those foundational principles as well as instill them into your children.  (8)
  2. You are the single most significant influence your child will ever know.  Regardless of how you feel about your importance, you must begin to immediately recognize your value in your child’s eyes.  (22-23)
  3. Being intentional as a mother involves a constant call to action.  It’s not enough to want your children to encompass godly virtue and values; you must be willing to model, teach, lead, and nurture them in the daily experiences called life.  (46)
  4. Children are the sandpaper God uses to smooth our rough edges.  (59)
  5. Too often mothers treat a single offense as if it were permanently fatal, which few things in life are.  (78)
  6. An intentional mother seizes the opportunity to use life moments to teach her child or teen a lesson, skill, or insight that is bigger than the actual moment.  (103)
  7. When mothers quit worrying about making their children happy and instead do what their children need, kids discover contentment and safety … children are never satisfied when our goal is only to make them momentarily happy.  (129)
  8. Intentional mothers keep a broad perspective of their role as mother and understand that releasing their children is part of the job.  (164)
  9. Look for God’s presence everywhere and in everything.  When you expect God to answer and reveal Himself to you, your children will begin to see Him in daily life as well.  (185(
  10. We will make mistakes.  We will be imperfect mothers and have imperfect children.  But if we are intentional … we can raise our children with no regrets.  (195)

As you can probably tell, this book is FULL of great insight, instruction and wisdom. And I’m very excited to be able to offer FIVE copies of this wonderful resource to my readers!!  {Thanks to Thomas Nelson for giving me the book to review and give away.} To enter, simply share one way you are intentional about parenting in the comments below.

Winners will be announced Thursday(April 21st) morning … you can receive one extra entry by tweeting the following and leaving a second comment to let me know you did:

I want to be an #RegretFreeParent!  @TeriLynneU is giving away FIVE copies of “Regret Free Parenting”!  http://wp.me/p1t113-fw

Happy Tuesday!

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. This sounds like a great book! As I am struggling to raise 4 children right now, this would be a great resource.

    I am intentional by doing devotion with my family every evening. We discuss whatever we read and we pray. I want them to know that we value the things of God everyday, not just on Sunday.
    Rebecca recently posted…Distance – 5 Minute FridayMy Profile

  2. I’m not familiar with this book, but it sounds very promising from those quotes. (Children as sandpaper? Ouch! But so true.) Also I am often guilty of #5, sad to say.

    I am currently working on being very intentional about the way I use my words–kind words, soft words, gentle words, encouraging words, to my kids and other people. I realized one day not so long ago how hypocritical it was of me to use a sharp tone to tell my kids to be kind to each other! I’ve been working on that…
    Anne recently posted…Don’t Be a Drama Queen- and Other Lessons in Friendship from Anne ShirleyMy Profile

  3. “Being intentional as a mother involves a constant call to action. It’s not enough to want your children to encompass godly virtue and values; you must be willing to model, teach, lead, and nurture them in the daily experiences called life.” ~ I love this quote. I have found myself become reactive in my parenting versus proactive. I decided this week to be intentional about how I talk to my kids – NOT yelling!
    Ashley Pichea recently posted…You Don’t Have to YELL!!My Profile

  4. I have begun to intentionally thank God for the hard times in parenting my 2 boys. For instance, when the 2 year old doesn’t want to take a bath, then doesn’t want to get out of the tub, splashes water all over the bathroom and the 10 year old still needs to take a shower and it’s going on 9 pm and all I really want to do is run away, I stop and thank God for the patience to deal with it all. Knowing that He loves me and the 2 year old and the 10 year old as somewhere in the mess of that bathroom, there is a pearl and wisdom and most important, love.

  5. I don’t think I do a very good job about being intentional as a mother except by stopping and listening when my children are talking to me, but I guess that’s something.

  6. Teri,
    coming from a broken, abusive childhood, one of the things that drives my intentionality toward my children is repentance to them when I have wronged them. I never let an angry word, or deed go without owning my sin to them and asking for forgiveness…this would have made all the difference in the world to me as a child. One of my favorite fun ways to be intentional is to celebrate EVERY holiday in some way. All of the more well known ones that have lots of decorations available , we do up big! Window clings, home made crafts, decorated cookies to match the occasion, and themed things placed inside and out. I love making holidays special for my kids and they love it too. Making unforgettable, cherished memories and having them feel extra loved and valued is what I am after.
    Thank you for all you share,
    blessings on your head,
    Michelle Connolly

  7. Wow! What an amazing giveaway!
    I have four kids ages five and under with the youngest being a ten week old little girl. I love them like mad, but the oldest one and I continually butt heads (I’m pretty sure it’s because she is a mini-me).
    I’m intentional with my parenting in that I try to recognize my good times of day and my bad times, ie…right when I wake up is not the time to work on major behavior issues, where as after my shower when I feel like a human is the perfect time…now if only I could get that shower in before 2pm 🙂
    Thanks for running this giveaway!
    Kristina recently posted…Between the PagesMy Profile

  8. Wow — sounds like an awesome book!

    I guess my “fail-safe” intentional parenting is to be there for my children as much as I possibly can, and going the extra mile for them. Since I’m a full-time working mom, I think it’s important to be available to them as much as possible!

  9. Thanks for the inspiration & the chance at the giveaway! One thing that I’ve been doing with my 18 month old is reading bible stories during breakfast or lunch. I have a children’s bible and I work my way through it slowly each day. She loves being read to and I feel good about exposing her to Bible stories even if she is too young to understand yet.
    Rebekah from Simply Rebekah recently posted…10 Tips for a Successful Freezer Cooking DayMy Profile

  10. i would love to have no regrets at the end of my parenting journey…big fat sigh….

    i homeschool to be intentional about being my kids’ biggest influence and also having family-centered kids-rather than peer-centered. but sometimes the stress of doing everything together makes for some mistakes and regretful moments. i don’t think sending the kids to school is the answer, but changing my heart would help. right?

    needless to say, i would love one of the five copies you are giving away.

    blessings, TeriLynne!
    kristen ~ Pajama Mama recently posted…Spice Jar FavorsMy Profile

  11. Even with my two year old – correction is consistent and intentional. Being a first time mom it is so easy to doubt myself or “spare the child” because “she’s just a little one”, and there is room for Grace I think – but, learning how much MORE I show her love when I’m consistent and intentional in how I deal with situations.
    mandi recently posted…EucharisteoMy Profile

  12. Boy do I need this book. Especially since I’m having to think too long about what I do that’s intentional. Yikes! I am intentional with my prayers for each of the four Littles and I’m always looking for ‘teachable moments’ in all parts of our days. I always say ‘that’ll teach’ borrowing the ‘that’ll preach’ phrase when I explain something that hopefully will be a seed planted in good soil.

    Great give away! xoox, K
    Kristin recently posted…The least of theseMy Profile

  13. What a wonderful giveaway! Intentional Parenting for me involves making every effort to hug my son multiple, random times throughout the day and telling him how very much that I love him and that God loves him even more. His love languages are physical touch and quality time, so when he disobeys I try to cater the discipline to those needs by holding him close and explaining why his behavior is wrong.
    I fail miserably many times throughout the day, and I am so thankful for God’s grace and new mercies.
    Christina Burrell recently posted…White Chocolate Jelly Bean Bark-the Perfect Preschool Easter TreatMy Profile

  14. What a great giveaway! I haven’t been very intentional for most of my motherhood years but I’ve been actively trying to improve for the past few months. I think one thing I’ve started doing that really helps the kids is to make sure I spend time close to them each day. It may not be long but they both love being held, tickled, etc!
    Heather recently posted…Cries For HelpMy Profile

  15. WOW! If this is a few of the many nuggets of gold in this book, I need it! It sounds wonderful and so helpful for moms desiring to do this parenting thing well. Thank you for the opportunity to find out about this book and doing this awesome giveaway!

    My intentionality has been a big goal since becoming Mom. One way is that we pray often for others, including pulling Christmas cards from a basket twice each week to pray for family and friends.

  16. That’s a tough question! One way I try to be intentional is to take time to answer my children’s questions (and boy, do they ask a lot of them!). I want them to know that their thoughts and “wonderings” are important to me!
    Erin Ulrich recently posted…Our Favorite HummusMy Profile

  17. I recently wrote a blog post (I’m on an iPod Touch, otherwise I’d link it!) where through an experience with my son, I learned a valuable lesson. When he does something “wrong” I need to evaluate whether it is actually sin or just something I don’t like. I’d write and explain what I mean more, but it’s hard to type! 🙂

  18. Striving to season all of our conversations with Scripture and God’s truth in a way that makes it inviting and easy to follow for a four year old., modeling forgiveness, and speaking truth into my sweet little man’s heart…

  19. I am an “intentional” parent in the way I dress my little girl. She is only 3 but I won’t let her wear things without sleeves, and she wears 1 piece bathing suits. I want her to feel uncomfortable being immodest later on!!! I hope my plan works~ : )

    This book sounds like it would help my family so much!


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