This is the first post in a new feature here on Fresh Perspective … All Things Book-ish. I’ll be sharing reviews and recommendations of books I’ve read as well as offering my “ruminations” about what I’m reading, how I choose books, etc. This will *hopefully* be a weekly(ish!) feature.
“Will I—could I—be willing to stop playing my faith so safe, asking only for what seems possible, and exchange that for a faith that is willing to risk everything on the name of Jesus?”
from Seriously God? by Jenny Smith
Recently I had the opportunity to review Seriously God? by Jenny Smith. When Jenny first contacted me, I was intrigued by her book’s subtitle: I’m Doing Everything I Know to Do and It’s Not Working.
I don’t know about you … but I’ve felt that way. I’ve worked and tried and strained and been left wondering where God ran off to and why in the world He’d left me alone to deal with all the mess.
Jenny’s tender teaching through the “I am” statements of Christ was a breath of fresh air to my oh-so-stale heart. As she shared her own journey toward a new intimacy with Jesus, I found myself inching along the way with her. I needed this reminder:
Jesus is concerned with our daily needs so we will be free to focus all our attention on him, not simply be consumed with our daily needs.
I have to admit, sometimes I spend more time worrying about what to fix for dinner than I do offering thanks for the food God has provided. My heart was quickened to the reminder of how vast the provision of God is … how rich the truth of Jesus’ words, “I am the Bread of Life.”
After Jenny takes us through these beautiful and revealing “I am ” statements, she guides us to new understanding of their application by looking at the book of Acts. She says,
Jesus showed us through the seven “I Am” statements what life was all about, and then the people of Acts showed us how knowing this truth is what causes a life to be secure, regardless of what is going on around us.
Maybe that’s a word of encouragement to you today … maybe you need that reminder that He is sufficient and in Him we are secure, no matter the situations we face in life.
I highly recommend Seriously God? by Jenny Smith. It was a touching and encouraging guide to growing in Christ, even when life doesn’t make sense. As Jenny says,
The beauty of our invitation to know Jesus through the I Am statements is that they really are an invitation to understand the personality of God. Jesus came to show us God.
If you are looking for a book that will speak truth into your difficult times, this is it. You can purchase Seriously God? on Amazon {Kindle edition is $3.99, print version is $8.99
}. Also be sure to visit Jenny’s blog, Keeping It in Stride, and be encouraged by her writings there.
How has the Lord spoken to you in the midst of difficult circumstances?
{I received a Kindle version of this book without cost for the purpose of this review. The opinions contained are solely my own. There are affiliate links in this post. If you purchase through them, I will receive a small commission.}
This sounds like a great book! God has spoken to me in many ways but a verse He has been using lately is “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” Love this promise of God.
Love this new feature – I am SUCH a book nerd and will enjoy reading your thoughts!