Lazy, crazy, or cheating?
I have no idea but last year there were so many incredible 31 Days series and I feel like I missed so many of them. At Relevant (now Allume Social), I joked with Nester that I ought to do “31 Days of 31 Day Series You Missed While You Were Busy Writing Your Own 31 Days” series. We laughed about it but somewhere in the back of my mind, the idea stuck.
Then I got busy writing a book, co-authoring a book, and writing another book. A 31 Days series of any kind seemed off the table.
Until I started looking at all the great series concepts others were sharing. Too much amazing stuff out there for me NOT to do all I can to share it with others.
And so, I’ll be spending October sharing #MustRead 31 Days series … on all sorts of topics. I haven’t picked all 31 yet … in fact, I only have 3. I’ll be scouring the linky and watching Twitter hashtags looking for series that will (hopefully) both appeal to and encourage the readers around —yeah, that would be you! I’ll still be posting my normal stuff because, after all, I write for you. But every afternoon, I’ll share a series I’ve found interesting, encouraging, challenging, or educational.
Please join me! In fact, now would be a great time to subscribe if you haven’t. {email or reader}
Happy 31 Days!
Here are the featured series:
- Amy in Wanderland’s 31 Days of Young Adult Books You’ll Love Too
- The Local Honey’s 31 Days of Being Present
- Cyndi Spivey’s 31 Days of Fashion & Beauty for Women over 40
- The Reluctant Sojourner’s 31 Days of Sojourn: a temporary stay
- Aunt Jo’s 31 Days of Finishing Projects
- Amy Thue’s 31 Days of Anticipating Advent
- Empty Nest, Full Heart’s 31 Days of Favorite Things
- Home with the Boys’ 31 Days of Building Family Ties
- Growing with Grabbie’s Letters to my Daughter
- Little Progress Notes’ Gilded: A 31 Day Novella
- The Dressmaker’s Muse 31 Days of Sewing Tips
- A Slob Comes Clean’s 31 Days of Lame Excuses
- Housewife in Town’s 31 Days to Healthy School Lunches
- Idle Chatter’s 31 Days of the Small Screen
- Allure Interior’s 31 Days of Spray Paint
- Erin Ulrich’s 31 Days of Self-Publishing
- 31 Days of Autism Awareness by My Days with Autism
- 30 Days of Stories by Next Step Editing
- 31 Days away from Comparison Island by Daily Bread & Butter
- 31 Days of Great Nonfiction Reads from The Deliberate Reader
- 31 Days of Drawing Close to God by Waltzing with Potatoes
- 31 Days on Being an Instant Mother of Four by Fostering Love at Home
- 31 Days of Chocolate!!! with Joyfully Thriving
- 31 Days of Life in a Small Town by Life with Eden (and I got to meet this sweet writer at Allume!!)
- 31 Days to Stress-Free Holidays by Gracious Southerner
- 31 Days of Slow Cooker Deliciousness from Elephant Grace
- 31 Days of Encouraging Words for Writers from Bonita Lillie
- 31 Days of Fall Favorites from Nesting & Nibbling
- 31 Letters to my Mother by Leanne Penny (grab a tissue … you’ve been warned!)
- 31 Days of Submission by Sarah Ann Rogers
- 31 Days of College Football at A Simple String of Pearls
My friends are doing these: = 31 days of new things = 31 days of plant-based diet = 31 days of gluten-free – 31 days about the Salvation Army = 31 days of children’s ministry