Reviewing a Bible is just plain strange, y’all! Far different from the normal book reviews I do where I am discussing content. 🙂 A few weeks ago I received a new Bible in the mail. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I love the cover. A lot. But since that’s not really the issue in reviewing a Bible, I’ll just leave it at: this Bible is so pretty! The pupose of the Everyday Matters Bible for Women
is simple: to help you use spiritual disciplines to make your everyday life fuller, richer and deeper (xvii).
With writings from authors such as Ann Voskamp, Annie Dillard
, Mark Buchanan
, Carolyn Custis James
, Richard J. Foster
, and countless others, this Bible provides insight into twenty-four spiritual disciplines and offers practical and encouraging suggestions for incorporating these ideas into the life of today’s modern (busy!) woman.
Disciplines covered are:
acceptance, bible study and meditation, celebration, community, confession, contemplation, faith, fasting, forgiveness, gratitude, hospitality, justice, mentoring, outreach, prayer, reconciliation, sabbath and rest, service, silence, simplicity, solitude, stewardship, submission, and worship.
The Everyday Matters Bible for Women has four types of features.
- Everyday Matters: two-page articles introducing major themes relevant to a spiritual discipline or the understanding and practice of that discipline.
- Everyday Profiles: twenty-five women or groups of women who practiced or highlighted a particular discipline.
- Everyday Q & A’s: question and answer digging into a puzzling aspect of a spiritual practice.
- Everyday Reflections: quick highlights by many different writers providing insight into the varied applications of the disciplines.
My Initial Impressions
I’ve had this Bible in hand for about two weeks and have found it incredibly easy to use. I love the writings by so many different authors and have found myself both challenged and intrigued by the plethora of perspectives they bring to each passage of Scripture. This Bible is a New Living Translation which I love, especially for my devotional-type reading in the mornings. I would absolutely recommend this Bible
to others, especially people interested in learning more about the spiritual disciplines and how the disciplines relate to Scripture. Also, since it is the NLT, I would recommend the Everyday Matters Bible for Women
to those who are new believers or struggle to understand when they read the Bible.
What is your favorite Bible for to use for your quiet time/devotional reading? Is there a specific translation you prefer?
I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew. Affiliate links are included in this post. If you purchase through those links, I will receive a small commission.
It sounds like a great Bible! I love my Zondervan Amplified Bible. I love have the definitions of the words right in my reading!! I also love the Names of God Bible, too.
I also love the Amplified Bible, Tricia. For the same reason you do. Thank you for visiting me today! 🙂