Motherhood Requires Sisterhood {why we can’t do this alone}

“Don’t take it personally,” my wise friend told me.  We’d been talking about the challenges of parenting teenagers and I was picking her brain since her girls are older than my own.

“You’ve taught her well.  Trust that,” said the mom I called when I was terrified I’d failed in spiritually training my daughter.

Here’s the deal: we need each other!  Motherhood is a full contact sport and it demands more than we ever have to give.   Join me today on the Allume blog and let’s chat about why motherhood requires sisterhood!!

motherhood requires sisterhood


Also, as a little Mother’s Day gift from me to you … Parenting from the Overflow is free this weekend for Kindle and Kindle apps!  Go get your copy now and if you would, please spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and wherever else you can!  Thank you!!

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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