So, I’m barely making day nine here. It’s 10:07 as I sit here typing … but this post is so important and I want to be sure to give it the attention it deserves.
Yesterday I spent from 6:30 a.m. until about 10:30 p.m. wearing my cheer mom hat. It started with hot rolling my girl’s hair before either of us was fully awake. I packed her cheer bag with all the possible uniform combinations she might need if the weather got as cool as predicted. {It didn’t, by the way.} After dropping her off at school, I sat down to make the spirit sticks the girls needed for the game. For the non-cheer moms out there, spirit sticks are just empty toilet paper rolls stuffed with candy, wrapped in tissue paper, and tied up with ribbons. We’re doing pink spirit sticks this month in honor of breast cancer. After that I cooked for the girls … it was my week to provide their meal before the game.
I didn’t get my shower until about 2 p.m. and we had to have the food to the school by 3. After making sure all the girls had eaten and gathering up what was left, Scott and I drove the hour and fifteen minutes to the games. We watched the seventh grade team {who lost, sadly}. Then we watched the eighth grade team win their game. By this time we were starving so we took the girl to eat at Jim & Nick’s {one of our favorite BBQ places} and drove the hour and fifteen minutes home.
Our sweaty but exhausted girl got her shower and we all collapsed in our beds around 10:30. My alarm went off at 5:30 this morning and we started the day at full speed as I had a meeting with a client thirty minutes away at 8:15.
All day long I’ve felt behind … you know what I mean??
But here’s what I know — of all the hats I wear, the one that mattered most yesterday was cheer mom. Even if that meant I was totally fried today. Yeah, I could have been aggravated by spending all day cooking and taping and curling and driving and watching other people’s kids play ball. Or I could have not signed up to help with meals or not agreed to make the spirit sticks. Or I guess I could have even just gone to one game … or even chosen to stay home this week.
The thing is, she isn’t going to cheer forever. This crazy busy pace of life isn’t going to last forever. {Of course, if all my friends with older kids are correct, it’s going to get worse before it gets better!} But this season, the one we’re in now, with high pony tails and algebra homework and first dances and youth group … I choose how I view it. I choose how I respond to the teenager hormones and the lack of sleep and the load of homework and the never-ending need to pay for something else. And I choose to love it! {most of the time}
Not because it’s always awesome … but because it’s where we are and it won’t last forever. And one day I’ll look back at photos like this one and I’ll be glad I was there for every game.
How have you learned to embrace the season you’re in?
Oh and all my 31 Days of Living Well posts will indexed here. Just in case you want to bookmark that page for easy reference.
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