{book review} Triggers by Amber Lia & Wendy Speake

It happened again this weekend. I call it the “Clash of the Hormones.” Between my girl’s teenager hormones and my menopausal hormones, let’s just say it can get highly emotional around here and things can escalate quickly.

I don’t say that to make light of it … or to excuse it.  But if we’re honest, almost all of have those moments when we’ve totally lost it with our children. It’s not that we WANT to be that kind of mom, it’s that we’re exhausted or stressed or overwhelmed. We love our children and we desperately desire to be patient, kind, and full of grace. But when everyone’s whining and the house is a wreck and supper just burned, well, let’s face it—all that’s left is the yelling and the crying.

book review—Triggers: Exchanging Parents' Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses by Amber Lia and Wendy Speake

Wendy Speake and Amber Lia have written a guide for all of moms who know there must be a way not to blow their tops but just aren’t sure how to find it. Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses is an honest and heartfelt guide for the mom who’s ready to make a change. Each chapter is full of personal story, biblical truth, and practical suggestions for overcoming anger and approaching our children, even in the hardest moments, with an attitude of grace.

One of the sentences in the book that most resonates with my heart is this one:

Figure out what you mean to say before you say something mean.

In the words of my grandmother, “Count to ten before you respond.” If I’m honest, that’s a huge failing for me. I react far more than I respond. And it hasn’t worked for the past sixteen years and I’m pretty sure it isn’t going to just start working for the next two.

I suppose I could look at it all and say I only have two and a half years of this girl in my home left—so why worry now. But truthfully, what I say is, I only have two and half years of this girl in my home left—so I’d better worry about this now and make the changes necessary.

book review: Triggers: Exchanging Parents' Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses by Amber Lia and Wendy Speake

Wendy and Amber aren’t preachy or judgmental; rather, they are accessible guides walking the journey with us. I love that they are honest about how hard it is for us to change our default reactions and develop new habits. Parenting is HARD work and there are no shortcuts for doing it well. These two get that—but they also know it’s worth the effort!

If you’ve found yourself wondering how you could get so angry, so fast with these little ones you love so much, this book is for you. If you’ve ever left a room in tears wondering where in the world that mom who just yelled at her kids came from, this book is for you. If you aren’t a “blow a gasket” kind of mom, but you find anger and frustration are often bubbling just beneath the surface, this book is for you. You’re not alone. You’re not a failure. There is hope … Triggers can help you build an arsenal of tools to fight back against the anger triggers in your life.

Order your copy of Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses today — you’ll be glad you did.


Teri Lynne

What is one of your anger triggers?

You can order your copy of Triggers from Amazon … click on the image below to order.  This is an affiliate link and I will receive a commission at no additional charge to you if you purchase through it.

book review—Triggers: Exchanging Parents' Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses by Amber Lia and Wendy Speake


Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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