Dear Daughter, The Truth about Love

Sweet girl, I want you to know the truth about love. I’ve prayed for you to know the fullness of God’s great love for you … a love that gave itself up, the ransom for your eternal life. And I’ve prayed you will love others with a love that can only come from God, from the assurance of His tender care for you.

To my dear daughter,

You turned sixteen this month. I am well aware of how exciting that is to you but I’m pretty sure you have no idea how much this birthday has shaken me. More than any before, this February 17th brought home the truth that time is fleeting. You’ll be getting your license and experiencing a new freedom as you pull away in the car without me or your daddy by your side. And I’ll be in the house sobbing about how time is a thief and praying for your safety.

I’ve been thinking over the past couple of weeks about all the things I want you to know before you leave our home. Some of them you’ve already mastered like how to do your own laundry and make cupcakes. But some of them, are lessons I know will take a lifetime … what we’ve shown and taught you is only the start.  At the top of that list is what it is to love.

Sweet girl, I want you to know the truth about love. I’ve prayed for you to know the fullness of God’s great love for you … a love that gave itself up, the ransom for your eternal life. And I’ve prayed you will love others with a love that can only come from God, from the assurance of His tender care for you.

Sweet girl, I want you to know the truth about love. I’ve been praying Scripture the whole month about what love is and how we live it. I’ve prayed for you to know the fullness of God’s great love for you … a love that gave itself up, the ransom for your eternal life. And I’ve prayed you will love others with a love that can only come from God, from the assurance of His tender care for you. The truth about love isn’t what the world says … it’s far more beautiful and far more precious. And it is only found in Him!

Here’s the truth about love:

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

You’ll never know what true love is until you find it in Him. And as you grow in that love, He will give you an ability you never believed possible to love others.

Dear daughter, you'll never know what true love is until you find it in Him! Share on X

I am so proud of you! I’m thankful to be your mom. And I delight in seeing you become the young woman God created you to be. Lean into Him, abide in His love, and then walk out that love in everything you do.

With all my heart,


Today I’m at Mothers of Daughters sharing 5 Truths about Love I Want My Girl to Know, all of them rooted in this one above all reality: We love because He loved us first! Join me there …

What love really is ... 5 truths about love I want my daughter to know.

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Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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