Dear Monday,
It’s not you. It’s me.
I know you have to visit. And I don’t really mind normally. In fact, I usually like you with your fresh starts and blank slate. In fact, I usually think of you as a generous friend with your opportunity to do it better.
It’s not your fault I’m unusually behind in almost every area of my life. It’s not your fault our internet was out on Friday and I couldn’t get some big projects finished until today. It’s not your fault Buddy the Basset’s bath has been put off for the past three weeks and he now undeniably stinks. It’s not your fault I was feeling a little under the weather last week and missed a couple of days at the gym and now I know I’m going to be so sore today after I go. It’s not your fault my to do list is insane and all I really want to do is binge watch One Tree Hill or West Wing.
Remember, I said it’s not you. It’s me.
Even so, I think I just need to get this out there: Today, you’re not my favorite. In fact, today you are probably 8th on my list of favorite days. I know, that’s pretty harsh. And I’m sorry. Let’s make a deal …
You be nice to me today and by next week, I’ll have you moved back up to your normal place of honor. Sound good?
Teri Lynne
P.S. There is one good thing I can say about today … the Cents of Style deal is awesome!! {I am an affiliate for CoS so I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase through these links. Thank you for your support!} Graphic sweatshirts for $16.95 and FREE shipping with code SWEATSHIRT2016. Here’s the one I probably need today —
But if you aren’t having the same the issues with Monday I am, there are several to choose from—
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