Lopsided Living Allows Us to Live at Rest

Welcome to day 4 of 31 Simple Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living!

In a world that says, "You rest when the work is done!" Lopsided Living says, "The work is never done ... rest anyway!" It's learning to live at rest through Christ.I hope today finds you well rested. Yesterday was my 45th birthday so Scott and I spent the afternoon together and then he grilled the most amazing chicken and pork loin for all three of us for dinner. I always make a pumpkin pie for my birthday and last night I made homemade cinnamon whipping cream to go with it. Delish!!

I tell you all of that to say this: I had A TON of stuff that needed to get done yesterday. My book manuscript is due to the publisher on November 1. I still have about 15,000 words to write. I’ve got this blog series going and I like to stay at least two days ahead … but right now I’m not. And I need to get the contributors’ posts all ready for the Prayers for Girls blog.

Plus all the laundry that’s piled up and bathrooms that need cleaning and … well, you surely get the idea, right?

Maybe you are like me and feeling a little behind in everything. Can I share with you what I’ve learned? Resting and giving myself room to breathe is necessary for me to truly be able to live in the abundance God has for me.

Today’s post is centered around this idea:

Lopsided Living Allows Us to Live at Rest

My friend Shelly Miller has written the most incredible book on this topic. I wish I could send you all a copy because it is full of wisdom and grace about learning to practice Sabbath.  At the very beginning of the book, Shelly writes:

You must rely on yourself—this is the lie of scarcity that bullies us into thinking Sabbath is not realistic … But Sabbath isn’t about resting in order to be more productive. It isn’t about me at all” (p. 32).

Sabbath is a gift. Shelly says it this way, “Sabbath is a weekly reminder that God cares more about who you are than what you do” (p. 98).

Can we all stop and just be thankful for that truth?

In a world that says, "You rest when the work is done!" Lopsided Living says, "The work is never done ... rest anyway!" It's learning to live at rest through Christ.

I write for busy women. I know all about being a busy woman. I am one. Y’all, my to do list is massive and the things I hope to accomplish every day are big!

God isn’t against our productivity and there are even times when our busy-ness is necessary and good. But the only way we can know if we’re staying busy with the things that really matter is to take time regularly to stop and rest.  I love this sentence from Shelly, “In Sabbath, we allow our brain to make sense of busy lives” (p. 135).  I try to focus on the things that matter most but when I fail to take time to stop and breathe and rest, it’s easy for me to lose sight of what the things that really matter are.

Maybe you’re that way too? May I suggest you get Shelly’s book? I promise you won’t feel judged or like someone has imposed a huge new weight on you. I think you’ll read Shelly’s story and the stories of countless other women who have been traveling a Sabbath journey and find yourself longing for a little bit of what they are experiencing.

For today, though, here is a simple exercise in slowing yourself mentally and physically.


Yes, I’m aware you think I’m giving you the craziest things to do. But seriously, this has been one of the most effective and easiest ways I’ve found to slow myself physically and mentally … especially when I’m headed into or just leaving a particularly stressful situation.

Give it a try today. Maybe after you get home from work but before you walk in your house. Or if you’re home with little ones invite them to do it with you when the crazy gets to fever pitch.

Lopsided Living is less about making these huge sweeping changes in your life and more about learning doable strategies for living it better. And, I’m telling you, a slow exhale can make a big difference!

Sometimes #LopsidedLiving means taking a slow exhale. Share on X

Living lopsided,
Teri Lynne

Yesterday’s post: Lopsided living requires loving god most.

Tomorrow’s post: Locating pockets of time.

Index to every post in series here.

Shelly’s book releases today! And I’m so excited to have shared just a  little bit of it with you in today’s post. If you are serious about embracing Lopsided Living, I highly recommend reading Rhythms of Rest. You can purchase a copy on Amazon clicking on the image below {affiliate link}:

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


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