She crawled up into my lap in the midst of all the Sunday morning chaos. Her face serious, her eyes full of tears, she simply said, “I need to get saved.”

April 1, 2007, sitting in that big ol’ green recliner of her Daddy’s, I had the honor of being present while the Lord moved my daughter from death to life, from lost to found.

No doubt it was one of the sweetest gifts of my life.

But there is one even sweeter — my own salvation.

Spend October seeing the gifts of God in every day life ... cherishing the true gift of our salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). #lopsidedliving


Yesterday we considered what it is to truly experience the abundant life Christ offers to those who believe. But before we can know that life to the full, we have to know the eternal life that comes through salvation.

Salvation is such a churchy word, right?  I suppose we can even be guilty of bristling at the idea of salvation because it implies a need for saving and, with that, a realization that we can’t save ourselves.

But we can’t.

Today, you’re invited to consider the gift we can never give ourselves, never earn for ourselves — the gift of salvation.


For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 CSB

We are saved by grace (the receipt of something we do not deserve) by faith (the steadfast belief in something we cannot see). It’s not from us because, let’s face it, we couldn’t manufacture the righteousness we’d need for salvation.

It’s God’s gift.

Not from works (we can’t do enough to earn it nor to keep it).So that no one can boast.  Paul said we have nothing to boast in except the cross, except our salvation (Galatians 6:14).

When we stop to consider the salvation God has so generously given, we realize how little we bring to the table. We come lost, empty, and broken — and He gives us purpose, fullness, and healing.

Spend October seeing the gifts of God in every day life ... cherishing the true gift of our salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). #lopsidedliving


Consider this paraphrase of Ephesians 2:8-9 from The Message:

Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It’s God’s gift from start to finish! We don’t play the major role. If we did, we’d probably go around bragging that we’d done the whole thing!

All His idea. All His work.

I’ve struggled in my life at times, feeling like I needed to DO more or BE more. I’ve adopted a hustle mindset about my salvation, attempting to prove myself worthy of God’s gift to me.  Maybe you’ve had that same feeling?

Here’s the thing, we can’t do anything except trust the work of the Cross was sufficient, believing His Word is true.

Spend October seeing the gifts of God in every day life ... cherishing the true gift of our salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). #lopsidedliving

How are you guilty of trying to prove your value to God? What are some of the ways you try to do the work to earn your salvation? Spend some time confessing these tendencies and ask God to give you freedom to walk in faith in His sufficiency.


Lord, we do it all the time — try to prove we’re worthy of salvation. But the truth is, we aren’t. And we never can be.  That’s what makes it so sweet, this gift of salvation, is truly and wholly a gift. We can’t earn it and that’s really a good thing. Help us stay focused on you and your grace. Let us walk by faith, certain of our place in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

We come lost, empty, and broken — and He gives us purpose, fullness, and healing. #lopsidedliving Share on X



As much as I love to read, there are times when it is music God uses to speak to me.  And this song has really been resonating with me lately and I think it will encourage you to consider the great gift of salvation as well.

Thank you for joining me as we choose SEEING THE GIFTS OF GOD IN EVERY DAY LIFE.  If you miss any of the posts in this series you can find them indexed here.  Also, if this idea of lopsided living appeals to you, be sure to join my FULL LIFE CLUB. Every month I send an email full of encouragement, inspiration, and practical ideas for living a full life even when you have a full calendar.


Teri Lynne

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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