What I’m Reading {February 2019}

Hey friends! Last week we bought some of those cube storage things for Scott’s vinyl collection. I made a spreadsheet so we’d know what albums he had (this is necessary because he had duplicates of several and even three copies of a few and also because I like spreadsheets).  When we were done, there were 463 records on the list. Yes, that’s a lot of vinyl.

Naturally, I was teasing him about the number … and then he pointed to the three FULL bookshelves also in our living room and I realized if he has a problem I might have one too. ha! Let’s just leave it at I really love books.

Looking for a good book? Here are a few recommendations including books by Karen Kingsbury, Lysa TerKeurst, Paul David Tripp, and more.

What I’m Reading {February 2019}

I love sharing what I’m reading … and hearing what YOU are reading. So, how about being sure to leave a comment with what books are on your stack!! Thanks! {I’ll put links to all the books I mention at the end of the post!}


  • Exodus — We kicked off our study of Exodus at the end of January. It’s such a fun book to teach. We are covering chapters three and four next week. Good stuff!
  • Colossians — Katie Orr and I are teaching through Colossians at REFRESH Bible Conference for Women at my church in March. I’ll be teaching chapters two and four … so I’m focusing on those two spots. {Also, if you are in north Alabama, south Tennessee, or eastern Mississippi, we’d love for you to join us for this day of teaching and encouragement!}


  • Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry T. and Richard Blackaby — I’m not loving this one. I really wanted to because the Experiencing God Bible study was so pivotal for me in my early 20s. But I think I’m going to give this one up at the end of February.
  • Whiter than Snow: Meditations on Sin and Mercy by Paul David Tripp — This is a series of meditations on Psalm 51. Oh my word, it is so good. I highly recommend it!
  • John — I’m reading through the Gospel of John this year. I shared more about how I’m reading/studying it here.


  • It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa TerKeurst — Y’all, I finished this one in two days. SO good. I underlined about half the book. But My favorite few sentences are these from chapter 3, “We don’t have to know the plan to trust there is a plan. We don’t have to feel good to trust there is good coming. We don’t have to see evidence of changes to trust that it won’t always be this hard. We just have to close our physical eyes and turn our thoughts to Jesus. Fix our thoughts on Him” (p. 48).
  • When Parenting Isn’t Perfect by Jim Daly with Paul Asay — This is another book I received when I went for my interview with Focus on the Family. I’m on chapter two and already I can tell it’s one I’m going to recommend. This paragraph has really stuck with me, “I think as Christian parents, too many of us are driving our kids to be stars. To be the doctor, be the honor roll kid, achieve all these outward attributes of success. And the sad thing is that when Christians feel so much pressure to be the perfect Christian family, we sometimes force our kids to run the other way” (p. 29). Let that sink in for a moment.


  • Hearts of Fire: Eight Women in the Underground Church and Their Stories of Costly Faith — I want to get back into the habit of reading more biographies and autobiographies this year. This one is my starting point. Reading the stories of women who are risking their lives for their faith in Christ puts so much into perspective in my own life.


  • The Sunrise series by Karen Kingsbury — I mentioned last month that I read fiction at night and always fiction I’ve read before. I finished the Firstborn series and moved into the next part of Kingsbury’s Baxter Family collection.
  • Best Family Ever by Karen Kingsbury and Tyler Russell — Speaking of the Baxters, have you seen the new children’s series based on the Baxter kids as children? The first book is out and it is so good! And, unlike most fiction, I bought the actual book not an ebook — because I figure someday (a VERY long time from now!) I might have grandchildren and these are the kinds of books we might want to read.

So, that’s what I’m reading this month. I need some recommendations on biographies and/or autobiographies. Have you read anything good lately in that genre?

Actually, just go ahead and share what you’ve been reading or what you’ve read that you loved … leave me a comment!


Teri Lynne

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Yes, I underlined most of It’s not supposed to be this way. I have been married for eight years and have two daughters (7 & 5). The marriage has not been good for 4-5 years. I have tried to stick it out and make the best of it because coming from a divorced family myself, i know the suffering my girls will endure. I haven’t been perfect and have retreated into myself for the past few years, not even trying to make the marriage better because i cannot change someone else (i guess as a coping mechanism). And selfishly, I haven’t left the marriage because i don’t want to give up precious time with my girls when they have time with their father. But now i feel it’s at the point that maybe i’m doing more damage to my girls and myself (physically i don’t want to have medical issues due to all the stress and emotionally, i’m just spent). i know god is always with me and although i desire to have a husband that loves god and me, right now i’m trying to be content in growing closer to god and knowing that he is my groom.

    Karen kingsbury is one of my favorite authors! i have read almost all of her books. i just received best family ever last week in the mail and i can’t wait to read it! If you are looking for another great book to add to the library for your future grandchildren, i suggest when i pray for you by matthew paul turner. my girls and i love it!

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