10 Ways to Keep Scripture in Front of Our Girls

Whew, y’all, it’s summer in Alabama for sure. Which is to say that it’s already nine thousand degrees outside with ten thousand percent humidity. Basically, I’ll be “glistening” until my birthday in October. Gotta love the South. ha!!

Casiday wrapped her first year in college earlier this month and starts her summer classes next week. {She’s taking Physics which just proves, again, that she is my total opposite.} Summer can be a mixed bag for moms — we love the freedom from schedules and routines it brings; but, the lack of structure can also lead to even more challenges.

I always liked to use summer as a time to focus on a specific area I could help Casiday grow. One summer I taught her how to really clean the house. Another summer we focused on learning to fix a few basic meals.

But it isn’t always home management skills our girls need to learn from us. Some summers I focused on spiritual formation — like building a quiet time routine {which, if I’m honest, didn’t really work the way I thought it would}.

One thing I know, it’s a great privilege and responsibility for us as moms to keep God’s Word in front of our girls, summertime and all the time.

10 Ways to Keep Scripture in Front of  Our Girls  Simple, creative ways to help your daughter learn to love the Word of God.

10 Ways to Keep Scripture in Front of Our Girls

We can’t make our girls fall in love with the Lord or Scripture, but we can do two things: point them to it and live it out in front of them. Here are few ways you can keep Scripture in front of your daughter throughout the year.


Music is such a great way to connect with our daughters. And there are many resources for Scripture-based music available for all ages. Some times you can find music that is entirely Scripture put into song. Others are based on passages you can look up together. Either way, music can really be a great resource for getting the Word in front of your girl.

Some of my favorites (these may be affiliate links):

Family Verse

Choosing a family verse can be a fun way for your whole family to memorize Scripture together. You can choose one per month or year or even one a week. Write it on a chalkboard or print it out and have everyone work together to learn it.

Some recommended verses:

  • Ephesians 4:32
  • Philippians 4:8-9
  • Deuteronomy 6:5

Message on the Mirror

When Casiday was in middle and high school, I often wrote her notes on the mirror in her bathroom. I’d remind her about things but also I wrote verses to encourage her — especially relating to her identity and appearance. You can use a dry erase marker on mirrors and it’s a great way to keep truth in front of your daughter.

Some verses to share:

  • Ephesians 2:10
  • 1 Samuel 16:7
  • Proverbs 31:10


Not only can you listen to music but you can also listen to the Bible — and this is such a great option for your kids who struggle with reading. In fact, this could actually help your child with reading. Let her listen to a passage while she is looking at it in her Bible.

Resource ideas (some may be affiliates):

Let me stop here and say it’s probably obvious that I think we can put Scripture in front of our girls without shoving the Bible in their faces. Sometimes the best way, especially if your daughter isn’t all that interested in “Bible study,” is to be a little more creative and less overt.

10 Ways to Keep Scripture in Front of  Our Girls

Simple, creative ways to help your daughter learn to love the Word of God.


There are so many great books available that include Scripture. From devotional books to children’s story books and fiction for all ages that features biblical themes and Scripture.

Some great starting points (these may be affiliate links):

Text Images

This is one of my very favorite ways to keep Scripture in front of my grown up girl but also the other girls (and adult women!) in my life — I send them images with Scripture via text.

Great places to get or make images:

  • Dayspring has the most gorgeous ones, y’all! Already categorized.
  • Make your own via Canva or (my favorite!) PicMonkey.
  • Use the Verses app in conjunction with YouVersion to EASILY create images.

Practice Hand Lettering

So, you know all those beautiful hand lettered projects everyone is doing? Well, what if you use Scripture with your daughter to help her learn to do it?! My eleven-year-old niece has been sending me notes with hand lettered verses in them and I LOVE it! You could also use Bible verses as practice for any sort of penmanship or handwriting activities you want to do with your child this summer. Even letting her draw pictures to illustrate a verse would be fun. There are so many possibilities!


We have always kept verses on display in our home as well as in Casiday’s room. Perhaps you could take some of those ideas about hand lettering above and make art for your girl’s bedroom or bathroom. Or she could make gifts for family members.

Writing Notes

So, it’s likely that you write notes to your daughter periodically. Maybe you leave a note on her bed or in her back pack to encourage her. Adding a verse to your notes is a great way to share Scripture with her. But I also have a couple of other ideas for this one. When you leave a list of things for her to do, add “Look up _____________ (a verse)” to it. Or just leave a verse at the bottom for her. Maybe you want to get a journal to pass back and forth with her and fill it with words of encouragement, opportunities for her to ask you questions, and Bible verses that have been special to you. Another tip is this, don’t always write out the verse — leave a reference and encourage her to look it up for herself!

Share What You’re Learning

This one is my favorite — invite her into your own spiritual life. Let her join you for your quiet time and show her how you read the Bible, what you’re learning, and how you are praying. Let her work through a Bible study with you — and don’t rush, just take it at her pace. Talk with her regularly about your own struggles, successes, and situations. Ask her what she is learning. Invite her to pray for you.

10 Ways to Keep Scripture in Front of  Our Girls

Simple, creative ways to help your daughter learn to love the Word of God.

All of these ideas are starting points. You know your daughter — do what will most connect with her. But make it a point to keep Scripture in front of her in multiple ways. You’ll be surprised how much will sink in and how much of your love for the Word will be mirrored in her life.

And, as always, remember parenting is a marathon not a sprint! You may not see immediate results or you may see some growth followed by some “not growth.” That’s totally normal. Sweet mom friend, your job is to point her to Jesus. He will handle the results!!

What is one way you keep Scripture in front of your daughter?


Teri Lynne

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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