Praying the Psalms {or “I No Longer Think David Was a Whiner”}

I can be, well let's just say, I can be overly emotional. I like to blame it on my mid-forties hormones but the truth is, I've always been this way. I come by it honest — my Bigmama is, as my Aunt Mollianne says, "a force of nature." I feel things deeply, believe things strongly, and speak things passionately. I get tears in my eyes every time the band plays "Star-Spangled Banner" before a football game and I laugh hysterically at the cat and cucumber videos every time I watch them on ... [Read More]

I Want to Go Back to Before

I keep thinking it wasn't real. The whole thing was just a dream. I didn't really have a heart attack. I want it to not be real. I want to go back to before ... Before when my weight and cholesterol and blood pressure were numbers that looked good and gave me confidence in my health. Before when 42 was really way too young for anything scary like a heart attack. Before when I drank my coffee and ate my bagel and didn't have a handful of pills to go with my breakfast. We all have a ... [Read More]