Dwell with me, Lord,Dwell in me.And give me graceTo dwell with Thee. Open my eyesTo Your sweet birthAnd to the hopeIt brought to earth. Grant me wisdomTo see Your face.I'll praise You dailyFor Your grace. Create in me aBrand new heart,Full of praise —How great Thou art! Grow my faithThat I may beA fruitful branchFor all to see. Forgive me, Lord,For the ways I fail.Hold me, Lord,For I am frail. You alone bringLight to life.On You aloneI set my eyes. When darkness comesAnd I am weak,Your ... [Read More]
Books for Your Friends {a gift guide for bibliophiles}
Books are my favorite thing to give and to receive. But sometimes I have a hard time figuring out the perfect book to give. Maybe you do too? Here are twenty-five book recommendations along with the friend who might find each most encouraging and useful. And, you never know, you might find a book or two you'd like to add to your own wish list as well. Okay, y'all, ready for this?? This is going to be super easy to follow. A short description of a friend and a book that I think ... [Read More]
10 Gifts to Encourage Your Little Girl’s Faith
Next up on the Christmas gift guides ... little girls! Y'all, I can't lie, I love the little ones at Christmas. My favorite Christmas picture of Casiday is when she was almost two. She's wearing the cutest Christmas sweater and a Santa hat. She had those chubby toddler hands and is holding a big red ornament. And, she has the biggest wad of bubble gum in her mouth. I put it out every year because I love it so much. It was so fun researching and curating this list for all of us who will ... [Read More]
10 Gifts to Inspire Your Tween Girl’s Faith
Those tween years are super hard. Part girl, part teen with all kinds of hormones and changes in personality and physicality — these years between 9 and 13 can be completely overwhelming for us as moms and for our sweet girls as well. So many of the moms I know with girls in this age group want to be super intentional about investing in their girl's spiritual life during this season — but they really aren't sure how to do it! I totally understand, and I felt the same way when my girl ... [Read More]
Best Faith Inspiring Gifts for Teen & Young Adult Girls
It's hard sometimes to figure out what to get our girls as they get older. Long gone are the days when we could walk down that Barbie aisle or hit up the American Girl store and be done. Clothes are often a risky proposition and somehow it's not the same to have our girls open up boxes with gift cards inside. {I do have lists for tweens and for little girls also.} I love choosing gifts for my almost 20-year-old daughter that will inspire her to continue growing spiritually. I'm always on ... [Read More]
The 4 Ps of Lopsided Living during the Holidays
Hey friend! I'm so glad you are here and I can't wait to share some thoughts about one of my favorite topics as it relates to one of my favorite times of year. About ten years ago, I realized all the talk about finding balance in our lives didn't sit well with me. And the more I considered why that was, I began to recognize that the times in my life when I've been most content and most certain I was doing exactly what God had called me to were seasons when I was definitely NOT living the ... [Read More]
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