My One Rule for Quarantine

When Casiday was little I always told her she only had one rule — obey. As long as she obeyed us, she would be doing what she was expected to do. It simplified things a lot also. The one rule was the name no matter where she was. At church, obey the leaders. At school, obey the teachers. Visiting family, obey the adults. Basically, that was the only rule she had for most of her childhood. Obey. I've been thinking about that one rule idea a lot now that we're in week five of social ... [Read More]

10 Verses of Hope for Hard Times

We've started our fourth week of social distancing, stay-at-home-ing and while parts of all this are starting to feel normal, there are parts that are getting harder. Let's just be honest — this is hard. And none of us was really prepared for how hard it would be. If you're like me, some days you are feeling pretty helpless and maybe even have moments when you feel a little hopeless. It's okay. Here's what I'm finding, even when I don't FEEL hope, I can KNOW hope. Because hope isn't a ... [Read More]