10 Gifts to Inspire Your Tween Girl’s Faith

Those tween years are super hard. Part girl, part teen with all kinds of hormones and changes in personality and physicality — these years between 9 and 13 can be completely overwhelming for us as moms and for our sweet girls as well. So many of the moms I know with girls in this age group want to be super intentional about investing in their girl's spiritual life during this season — but they really aren't sure how to do it! I totally understand, and I felt the same way when my girl ... [Read More]

Best Faith Inspiring Gifts for Teen & Young Adult Girls

It's hard sometimes to figure out what to get our girls as they get older. Long gone are the days when we could walk down that Barbie aisle or hit up the American Girl store and be done. Clothes are often a risky proposition and somehow it's not the same to have our girls open up boxes with gift cards inside. {I do have lists for tweens and for little girls also.} I love choosing gifts for my almost 20-year-old daughter that will inspire her to continue growing spiritually. I'm always on ... [Read More]

2016 Gift Guide for Teenage Girls

Got a teenage girl on your list? Here are 100+ ideas for what she might like for Christmas. There are all different price points and types of gifts ... mostly because every teenage girl I know has different preferences, interests, and tastes. That said, let me start with a recommendation for every teen (or tween) girl you know ... LIKED: Whose approval are you living for? by Kari Kampakis. Truly a must read for girls and their moms (and their teachers and youth pastors and anyone else who ... [Read More]

50 Gifts for Teenage Girls {$50 and Under}

For the record, in my experience,  the best gift for a teenage girl is, almost always, a gift card. Because no matter what you pick out—even if you buy it at 11:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve from the last minute additions to her "this is all I want for Christmas" 20-page list of approved gifts—it will be wrong. :) Even so, there must be gifts under the tree, right? And so, we moms will do our best to find the perfect surprises for Christmas morning ... and, there's a pretty good chance we'll ... [Read More]