On Marriage and Love and How Hard It Is Some Days

Some days I happen across something and I sit down to share a link or a quote on Facebook and then I realize I have a lot to say about that ... today is one of those days. I just read this post from the beautiful Kristen Welch at We Are THAT Family — There Is Nothing Quite as Sexy as a Man who Loves His Wife.  I copied this small part of her post to share on my Facebook page thinking it might encourage others. It’s so easy in this life to name all the things our husbands don’t do. And most ... [Read More]

No Greater Love

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.  You are My friends if you do what I command you.  ~ John 15:13-14 No Greater Love I love these verses but, oh wow, do they challenge me—laying down my life for my friends. How much love  do I really have for others? Am I willing to lay down my own best interests for someone else? Am I willing to put the needs of someone else ahead of my own? Am I willing to do whatever it takes to live in peace with someone? ... [Read More]