I Worry about My Hair on Sundays

Sunday is the most stressful day of the week in our house.  By far.  Scott leaves early, usually by 7:00 am, to check and double-check everything before the first service at 8:30. I stay in bed until the last possible minute, not because I'm tired though. I stay in bed because the decisions that face me stress me out. What will I wear?  Pants, skirt, dress ... ugh!  My black pants don't fit and that's a nightmare because black pants are the uniform of a pastor's wife.  Skirt?  Maybe ... but my ... [Read More]

10 Things Your Pastor’s Wife Wants You to Know

10 THINGS YOUR PASTOR'S WIFE WANTS YOU TO KNOW Just some things I thought you might want to know ... Your pastor is just a man.  He will fail.  He will make some bad choices.  He will look back and see how he could have done things differently. He's her man.  So when you talk about him and his failings and shortcomings, it hurts her.  Not because she thinks he's perfect but because she loves him and knows how much it hurts him to know that he doesn't always shepherd well. Her kids ... [Read More]

Open Letter from a Pastor’s Wife

So often people look at me and they THINK they know who I am. After all, I married a man called by God into His ministry ... I must be a super-holy, deeply spiritual person. Some people think I must have a beautiful voice, be an excellent pianist, and love teaching toddlers in Sunday School. Others imagine I am a gifted Bible teacher who bakes fresh bread every day and rises at 4 a.m. to pray for each church member by name. Still there are some who believe my home is always immaculate and I ... [Read More]