In case you hadn't noticed, I haven't been writing as much lately. I'd love to tell you it's because I've been doing all sorts of awesome things but really it's because I've been in a bit of a funk. I'm still adjusting to all this medicine and making decisions about what the next steps are in my post-heart-attack journey. I do want to share more about this experience and what I'm learning ... but honestly, it's still too fresh. The Lord had already brought me to a place of stillness and quiet ... [Read More]
I Want to Go Back to Before
I keep thinking it wasn't real. The whole thing was just a dream. I didn't really have a heart attack. I want it to not be real. I want to go back to before ... Before when my weight and cholesterol and blood pressure were numbers that looked good and gave me confidence in my health. Before when 42 was really way too young for anything scary like a heart attack. Before when I drank my coffee and ate my bagel and didn't have a handful of pills to go with my breakfast. We all have a ... [Read More]