Make Time to Play {a God-Size Dreams post}

make time to play

This week is one of those crazy-busy, tear-out-your-hair, meet-yourself-coming-and-going kind of weeks.  My husband is leading worship for a revival.  My daughter’s spring musical is Thursday and Friday.  I have a speaking engagement Thursday night and (in)RL is this weekend.

My house is a wreck.  The vacuum died on Monday so it’s still standing where it stopped, cord snaking through two different rooms.  Apparently people are sneaking in and taking showers while we are all away from home because no matter how many load of towels I wash, there are never any clean in the morning when we need them.  This week’s menu has been courtesy of Jody’s Truck Stop, McDonald’s, and I did cook one meal—taquitos.

My to do list from yesterday has exactly one thing marked off—the one I had to leave home to do.  🙂

To say I really needed to be focused and diligent over the past couple of days is an understatement.  I was ready for an evening of checking things off the list while Scott was gone and the girl was happily ensconced in her room doing whatever it is 13-year-old girls do on Tuesday nights {which, for the record, I can tell you with confidence is NOT clean their rooms.} Until this conversation:

don't forget to play


And so, I set aside the to do list and my plans and off we went to watch the spring scrimmage for the Russellville Middle School football teams.  I sat with some hilarious friends and had the chance to encourage a young aspiring writer.  The breeze was blowing and we watched a rotation ten minutes of seventh graders playing followed by ten minutes of eighth graders for about an hour and a half.  All in all, it was not a bad way to spend a Tuesday evening.  And I needed it.  Reminded me why I love living in a small town.  How can you not smile at images like this?

don't forget to play

We got home as the sun was setting and ate more junk food and ice cream, just me and my girl.  After her shower, we practiced doing her makeup for The Little Mermaid performances later this week. {Finally, that photo at the top makes sense, right? Oh and the makeup is different on each eye because we were not sure what we wanted to do.  We were playing!}   As we played with glitter eyeliner and laughed together, I realized that to do list wasn’t all that important after all.  Those dreams I’m chasing, those lessons I’m learning, those things I’m doing—they are good dream, good lessons, good things.  But sometimes the bigger picture requires understanding this:  

Whatever you do, make time to play!!

How have you played lately?

{linking up with Holley and my fellow dreamers … join us in chasing the dream God has placed in your life.}

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Love your post! Good for you to put everything aside just to be with your daughter. That is a good mama! Inspiring to me that hasn’t hit the teenage years with kids yet. You are making memories. Our playing was the beach…and a some dreaming with my daughter. Love your post. Found you on the link up. Blessings to you! Glad I found your blog.

  2. Love this. It so wonderful you play with your daughter. It would be so easy to make excuses, but these are the days you do not get back. I have not regrets for staying at home when my children were growing up. Spending time with them was so much more important than any money I would have made working. I had a full-time job with them, and I loved it.

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