An Ode to Friendship {five minute friday}

Friend.  What a great prompt.  I don’t always get to join in with the Five Minute Friday girls but the stars aligned this week.  So, I just thought I’d write an ode to friendship … not sure how this will work in 5 minutes … but let’s give this a go.


An Ode to Friendship

Some friends make me laugh so hard I find it hard to breathe.

Some friends write the most amazing words, I feel honored just to read.

Some friends offer prayers when life seems to much to bear.

Some friends always seem to know when I need some time to share.

Some friends live inside this screen but they’re as real as real can be.

Some friends share the same zip code and walk through life with me.

Some friends know my favorite snacks and bring them by the house.

Some friends moved inside my heart as quiet as a mouse.

Some friends open up my world, making it bright and big and bold

Some friends know my secret fears and promise them to hold.

But all my friends are treasures, gifts I hold close to my heart

Each one has has made my life complete, they’re all just works of art.


Joining Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday who invites us to stop, drop, and write … it’s a beautiful community!


Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Wow, Teri Lynne, your poem is just absolutely beautiful! You said it so much better than I could 🙂 Friends are really just amazing, aren’t they? And yes, they are all works of art! Great post.

  2. Love this. LOVE it. So, first of all, I’m a teensy-tiny-bit jealous of your ability to write poetry in five minutes. 😉 But, second…I love the truth of friendship that you shared in your words…how each friend brings something different, but in a wonderful way. Thanks for this! Blessings, friend! 🙂

  3. Girl–look what you can do in five minutes!! It’s no wonder I see Him so easily in you.
    So glad you could join in today, friend. I’m so blessed by you!! {HUGS}

  4. Well, that worked out wonderfully! Amazing what you can do with 5 minutes! You’re thinking you wrote a poem, I’m thinking it was more like a special blessing. 🙂

  5. I agree with Mel- super jealous you can write poetry like this in five minutes! That being said, very sweet that you were able to sum up almost all kinds of friendships in these few lines. 🙂

  6. Teri – I love this. I may be a little late reading but it came at the perfect time as I reflect on older friendships along with looking to nurture new ones. Thanks for sharing.

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