Just over two weeks ago my daughter turned fourteen. I just can’t believe it! I feel like the clock is ticking faster and faster. This month she’ll be trying out for JV cheerleader. Soon we’ll be planning her class schedule for high school … and I know once that first day of high school comes on August 7 I’ll barely blink and we’ll be looking at class rings and then prom dresses and planning for college.
Like many moms I spend a fair amount of time wondering how many ways I’ve failed and wishing I could do a few things differently.
But time doesn’t rewind and there are no do overs. She knows how to clean her room and do her laundry. She can follow a recipe and run the vacuum. She’s a generous person and a loyal friend. I’m incredibly proud of the person she is. But it’s not enough for me to sit back and watch her continue to grow and mature.
My job isn’t done and I can’t let up now.
I’ve been thinking about all the things I want her to know. In fact, because I’m the kind of person who likes a good list, I made a list. And, as fate would have it, there are fourteen items on my list: 14 things I want my 14 year old daughter to know. Fourteen truths I hope are embedded on her heart before she leaves home. Fourteen phrases I want her to hear echoing through her head for the rest of her life. Fourteen sentences that describe and define how she views herself and the world around her.
You are enough.
God created you. He made you. He calls you by name. You are His and you are enough. {Isaiah 43:1-4}
Pretty is as pretty does.
The world is going to tell you pretty is something you are … but the truth is, pretty is deeper than that. Pretty is how you treat others, how you mange your time, how you handle yourself. {Proverbs 31:30}
Hard days will come.
You are going to face difficult choices. There will be days you want to give up. Times you feel like quitting. Don’t! You are not alone and whatever you face, the Lord is there with you. {John 16:33}
Lean in to the Word of God.
The Bible is our sword, our wisdom, our defense, and our comfort. Turn to Scripture first … filter all your emotions through the truth of God’s Word. Spend time in it every. single. day. {Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 119:11, Psalm 1:1-3}
We will always love you.
Your daddy and I loved you before you were born. We’ve watched you succeed and fail. We’ve seen you grow and mature. We know you will make mistakes — and we know we will too. But we love you. No matter what. You can always depend on that.
Dream big.
I love your creative spirit and the way you commit yourself to whatever you are doing. Don’t settle for the easy stuff, though. Try new things and embrace some challenges. You may not be successful at everything but don’t be afraid to try!
Think before you speak.
I know, this one isn’t going to be easy. I’m sorry. You got that quick tongue from me. But I’m learning to be quick to listen and slow to speak. I pray you will be also. {James 1:19} Come back Friday for the second half of this list!
What is one thing you want your child to know?
Cheering you on, TL
Here are a couple of great articles I read in the past few days relating to parenting. You might want to check them out also.
10 Common Mistakes Parents Make Today (Including Me) from The Huffinton Post
Help! My Daughter is Thirteen by my dear and very wise friend Sarah Pinnix
And part 2 of this list along with a free printable for your girl’s room is here!
I hear a bit of our sweet Neenie in here…’pretty is as pretty does’ indeed!
Wonderful words, Teri Lynne for your precious girl!
Yep! I thought of that!! Love you, Molli!
Hi Teri Lynne,
Your post inspired me to post: A Prayer for My Daughter. I used Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:16-19 and tailored it to my girl.
I read your prayer and loved it! You may also want to check out Prayers for Girls and sign up for the monthly Scripture-based prayer calendars.