31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage {Proverbs 27:17}

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Life gets busy.

The kids’ schedules run our calendars.

There are more home projects than time to do them.

Money is in even less supply than time.

And we can wake up and realize our relationships with our husbands have lost the spark — not just sexually, but emotionally.  We can get so busy tag-teaming life that we lose sight of our need for friendship.

We can get so busy tag-teaming life that we lose sight of our need for friendship. #PrayersForMarriage Share on X

I’ve seen it happen in my marriage and in my friends’ marriages as well. For most of us, we recognize something is amiss and take action to restore the connection before it is lost completely.

Here’s the thing: The enemy wants marriages to fail. He wants us to find other people we’d rather spend time with, activities and hobbies that pull us apart — and he wants us to believe those things are just a part of life, normal and to be expected.

But that is just one more of his lies. And we need to reject it … and do all we can to fight against it.  Today’s verse is a reminder of how important the friendship is between husband and wife, how we strengthen and support each other.

31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage || Proverbs 27:17

Lord, thank You for the friendship I share with my husband, for the bond we have built.  Help us remember how precious our relationship is and to be committed to investing in each other.  May we always draw close to one another and lean into the strength we gain together.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Photo Source: canstockphoto.com

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