31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage

Marriage is a gift! A beautiful, humbling exercise, my marriage is one of the ways God often uses to reveal the depths of His love for me. In fact, Paul wrote that marriage is a mystery that reveals Christ's relationship with the Church {Ephesians 5:32}. Marriage isn't easy. It's hard to lay down our own desires and dreams and wants and wishes for someone else. Marriage demands more from us than we could ever begin to imagine when we say, "I do." Praying for our marriages is one of the best investments we can make!

Praying for our girls is such a great practice. But there is another person I pray for as much as I pray for my daughter, another relationship I treasure and value … my husband, my marriage!

Marriage is a gift! A beautiful, humbling exercise, my marriage is one of the ways God often uses to reveal the depths of His love for me. In fact, Paul wrote that marriage is a mystery that reveals Christ’s relationship with the Church {Ephesians 5:32}. Marriage isn’t easy. It’s hard to lay down our own desires and dreams and wants and wishes for someone else. Marriage demands more from us than we could ever begin to imagine when we say, “I do.”

Over the past few years, Scott and I have seen several marriages of people close to us fall apart. We’ve watched people we love choose to walk away from their vows and it hurts. My daughter has friends whose fathers have left their mothers for someone else. It’s been hard to explain … because the explanation isn’t pretty. It’s sin.

But God can do an amazing work in spite of our sinful choices! He has done so in my life and in the lives of countless others. But still, there remains the heartache and consequences of what we’ve done. And more and more I’m understanding we can not control that … and we can’t erase it and, far more often than we know, the pain affects more people, in more ways, for a longer time, that we ever imagined possible.  My friend Jacque has shared about her affair and how it wrecked two families but how God worked in her heart and brought healing and hope and joy again. {Read her story here.}

Marriage matters. God created marriage and He placed Adam and Eve together because they needed each other.

Praying for our marriages is one of the best investments of time we can ever make.

Praying for our marriages is one of the best investments we can make! Share on X

This series is only verses from the Old Testament {here is the index to verses you can pray from the New Testament}.

31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage Share on X

 31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage:

  1. Genesis 2:18
  2. Genesis 2:24
  3. Deuteronomy 6:5
  4. Deuteronomy 6:9
  5. Joshua 24:15
  6. Ruth 1:16-17
  7. Job 1:21
  8. Psalm 1:3
  9. Psalm 19:14
  10. Psalm 71:5
  11. Psalm 103:1
  12. Proverbs 1:7
  13. Proverbs 4:23
  14. Proverbs 12:4
  15. Proverbs 14:1
  16. Proverbs 16:3
  17. Proverbs 21:21
  18. Proverbs 24:3-4
  19. Proverbs 27:17
  20. Proverbs 31:12
  21. Song of Songs 2:16
  22. Isaiah 43:1
  23. Jeremiah 29:11
  24. Lamentations 3:24
  25. Micah 6:8
  26. Nahum 1:7
  27. Habbakuk 3:17-18
  28. Zephaniah 2:3
  29. Haggai 1:7
  30. Zechariah 4:6
  31. Zechariah 8:16-18

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Teri, what a GREAT idea! I’ll celebrate my 32nd wedding anniversary in May of this year. Thank you for doing this.
    I led a book study w/some ladies from church last year on Kathi Lipp’s book Praying God’s Word for Your Husband. It was a great experience.

  2. Hi Teri, Thank you for posting 31 days of praying for your husband. I have been married to John 45 years and Lord willing, this September 6th, it will be 46 years. I pray for my husband passionately and I’ve seen God answer prayer for him so many times over the years. I love him more and more (if that is possible) every day, and thank God for giving this godly man to me! I appreciate so much your posts and I feel like we should be friends. God bless you Terri and your family.

  3. I look forward to getting your verses for praying for my marriage. We will be married 3 years in May. This is my 3rd marriage. The first ended in divorce, but gave me a wonderful daughter and 2 wonderful grandchildren. The second left me a widow and taught me a lot about what true love means. This third one was totally not planned or sought for. I had planned to be alone, share life with my daughter and her family and go and do whatever God desired. Then God brought a wonderful man into my life, one who loves me and protects me and who is Mr. Fix it. While things are never perfect in any marriage I am totally blessed. I look forward to the verses that will remind me to pray more for our marriage.

  4. Hey TL! I am very excited to join you in these 31 days. Adam and I have been together for 15 years this March.

  5. I think this is an amazing idea, I love praying scripture. How better to embrace God’s promises than to pray them? I have been married for 24 1/2 years. Thank you for putting this list together, I’m excited to get started and see all the wonderful verses you’ve found.

  6. married 34 years…thankful for every one of them – both the hard ones and the good ones…looking forward to praying your verses in the coming days!

  7. I look forward to this! I pray for my husband every day, but hopefully, these scriptures will make my prayers more specific.

  8. Been married for 12 years we will have our 13th this summer and after the year we have had I think this is a perfect time for this

  9. My husband and I will be married 18 years on April 26th. This is the second marriage for both of us. We share 4 children and now 6 grandchildren. God is Good!

  10. Tracy and I will celebrate 17 years in April! I am looking forward to this 31 day prayer journey for my marriage! Thank you Teri Lynne.

  11. I’ve been married 20 years, and have struggled through most of them. The last 4 have been extremely difficult as we have moved his mother into our home. She suffers from Alzheimer’s and dementia, and cancer. We have a tween and a teen who I am so thankful for. I’d love to strengthen my marriage through scripture and prayer. Thank you for creating this group!

  12. This year we will celebrate 24 years together. Unbelievable! We have had the good times, the bad, the joyful and the sorrowful. But I am thankful for him.

    I am enjoying this “31 days” and am so thankful for someone like you who seems to write sometimes just for me. It’s just what I need to read.

  13. last week was our 15 year wedding anniversary and we both forgot, I’d say we need to fix something in our busy lives. thank you for putting this together it’s just what I needed to find today. God Bless

  14. My husband and I will be married 26 years this March. Crazy! I didn’t have an example of a healthy marriage growing up. My parents were miserable! My husband is definitely a blessing from God! I never knew this is what marriage could be!


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